ralph kretschmar,german film academy actor ralph kretschmar was born in berlin, east germany. he graduated from "pierre de coubertin" (berlin), one of the best physical education college in germany. he was a competitive swimmer, later a full-time basketball player before becoming an actor.
中文名 | ralph kretschmar |
出生地 | 德国,柏林 |
出生日期 | 1980-02-10 |
别名 | ralle ,ruff-t |
原始名称 | Ralph Kretschmar |
名称 | ralph kretschmar |
外文名 | 演员1980-02-10188cm |
年龄 | 39 |
性别 | 男 |
星座 | 水瓶 |
身份 | 演员 |
身高 | 188cm |