darryl worley



by William Ruhlmann This self-titled effort is album number three and a half for Darryl Worley, if you count his last release, 2003's Have You Forgotten?, largely cobbled together from his first two albums to cash in on the jingoistic single of the same name (which in turn was made to cash in on the run-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq) and featuring only six new songs, as half an album. Actually, Worley might have been better advised to wait a little longer before putting out a new disc, but then he and his advisors may have wanted to reposition him quickly from his flag-waving persona of 2003; the press release for this album claims it s, and Worley's backup musicians play typical country music with rock rhythms, a fiddle and a steel guitar never out of the mix for long. Worley has a serviceable but basically anonymous low tenor. This is nearly generic Nashville product, but Worley performs it with conviction, and that earns him his moment in the sun.

Alias darryl worley
Extra darryl worley
Name darryl worley
原始名称 Darryl Worley
发行时间 2004-11-02
名称 darryl worley
收藏数 13
歌手 darryl worley
类别 录音室专辑
语言 英语
  • dreamworks
  • 环球唱片
  • 精选上位词
  • darryl worley的专辑
  • 专辑
  • 风格
  • country
  • 乡村流行 country pop
  • 当代乡村 contemporary country