


Lucy is a 19 year old TV intern at a Swiss TV network when she discovers a look alike in archival footage about the local women`s lib movement in the 70`s. Her family`s resistance to the matter convinces Lucy that a secret lurks behind this mysterious double, and she sets out to find the woman. She slowly finds out that her doppelganger, named Genevieve, was an infamous feminist and abortion activist and could be her real grand-mother. Why did Genevieve disappear? Why was she scratched from her family`s history? Why did she abandon Lucy`s mother? Lucy`s family stays mum. The young woman`s problems pile up when she discovers she`s pregnant, the father being her ex-boyfriend. Torn between her mother who advocates an immediate abortion and her ex-boyfriend`s marriage proposal, Lucy can`t choose. She finds refuge in the idea that finding Genevieve, who abandoned her own child and was fighting for abortion rights, holds the key to her past and therefore her future as a woman.

上映地区 瑞士
上映时间 2009
中文名 释放的青春
原始名称 释放的青春
国家 瑞士
地区 瑞士
外文名 déchaînées
子类型 剧情
导演 raymond vouillamoz
年份 2009
片长 90分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
编剧 stéphane mitchell
语言 法语
豆瓣短评数量 2
豆瓣短评赞数 0
豆瓣长评数量 0
  • adèle haenel
  • irène jacob
  • 评论
  • 望月风@@@@@出人意料的喜剧风格
  • 海石@@@@@环境太好的 理想的生活 人的世界
  • 豆瓣短评
  • 望月风@@@2011-03-05@@@0@@@出人意料的喜剧风格
  • 海石@@@2011-03-25@@@0@@@环境太好的 理想的生活 人的世界