got love if you want it



by Thom Owens In many ways, Got Love If You Want It is standard-issue John Hammond, Jr. The album is filled with covers by great bluesmen like Son House and Slim Harpo, as well as rock & rollers like Chuck Berry. The difference is ability -- Hammond is a professional and is able to pull off convincing performances of these warhorses. Backed by Little Charlie and the Nightcats -- who have rarely sounded better, incidentally -- Hammond tears through these songs with passion, which makes even the oldest songs sound rather fresh.

状态 未发布
Alias got love if you want it
Extra got love if you want it
Name got love if you want it
原始名称 Got Love If You Want It
发行时间 1992-02-14
名称 got love if you want it
唱片公司 charisma
收藏数 4
歌手 john hammondjr·
类别 录音室专辑
语言 英语
风格 布鲁斯摇滚 blues rock
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