juoppohullun päiväkirja



Juha Berg is a hopeless drunkard living in Helsinki. He is 30 years old and not the slightest intention to change his life in any way. But the joy of living always with alcohol-soaked brain will be threatened when Juha falls. Juha happy Berg is an alcoholic, a hopeless drunkard living in Kallio district of Helsinki. It has about thirty years and zero intentions to change something in his life. But the joy of living always with alcohol-soaked brain becomes seriously threatened when the passionate Juha falls in love with Tiina, the leader of his group of Alcoholics Anonymous. His relationship with Tiina progressing rapidly, and the man gets to balance maintaining this relationship with his old lifestyle. Of course there is anyone in this story that makes everything he can think of to sabotage the relationship of the two: it is a woman's best friend, Kristian.

上映时间 2012-12-28
中文名 juoppohullun päiväkirja
原始名称 Juoppohullun päiväkirja
名称 juoppohullun päiväkirja
国家 芬兰
地区 芬兰
外文名 juoppohullun päiväkirja
子类型 喜剧
导演 lauri maijala
年份 2012
片长 84分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
  • 中国大陆
  • 芬兰