ed calle



Ed Calle是典型的西班牙名字,现代爵士Saxphone手Ed Calle是西班牙后裔,出生在委内瑞拉,生长在美国迈阿密。不过他的Jazz Music没有太多拉美特色-奔放、热情,相反,Ed Calle将Saxphone深沉、浑厚的本色发挥到了极致。 Ed Calle个人发行的唱片不多,但张张精彩, 2001年由著名爵士厂牌Concord Jazz发行的专辑’Twilight’《曙光》是他最为经典的一张作品。尤其喜欢单曲’Love After Dark’,曲子一开始的打击乐沉稳有力,为整支曲子的风格奠定了基调。紧接著Ed Calle的Saxphone舒缓,不紧不慢的节奏渲染夜色的深沉。想象吧,夜色迷茫,清风习习,恋人相互依偎呢呢喃喃;这里没有初恋的火热,心与心在暗夜中交流、融合爱情,夜色孕育成熟的爱情…… 西班牙是拉丁音乐发源国,也是是一个音乐人才辈出的国家,他们的音乐气质被流传到世界各个角落,尤其是南美洲。现代爵士SAX手Ed Calle的父母都是西班牙人,但出生在委内瑞拉,生长在美国迈阿密。在迈阿密大学音乐的时候,他决心今后靠音乐吃饭,所以后来又攻读了硕士学位,研修爵士演奏。在学校的时候他便融入到当地的音乐市场,并为上世纪80年代红极一时拉丁流行团体the Miami Sound Machine(迈阿密声音机器)伴奏,那时他结识了Gloria Estefan,并同她一同演出。Ed Calle个人发行的唱片不是很多,但张张精彩,爵士、拉丁和流行一直是他音乐中的主旋律,2001年由著名爵士厂牌Concord Jazz发行的专辑《Twilight》成为了他最为经典的一张作品。 by Heather Phares Born in Caracas of Spanish parents, Miami-based saxophonist Ed Calle owes his musical career to his father's love of music. When Calle and his family moved to America in 1966, his father suggested that Calle take some music classes. Calle picked tenor saxophone and took to it quickly, soon spending nearly all his free time practicing. As a student at the University of Miami, Calle decided that music was his calling, and received a master's degree in jazz performance. Even before he left school, however, Calle played with artists like Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine, and toured with performers such as Julio Iglesias and Bob James. Calle has also worked as a sideman for Arturo Sandoval, Jon Secada, Vanessa Williams, and Frank Sinatra, as well as contributing to television and movie soundtracks. Along with his Latin roots, Calle's playing style is influenced by his love of mathematics--he also holds a bachelor's degree in math from Florida International University. Calle shares his technical background and heritage with the elementary school children he lectures as a traveling music teacher. His solo albums Nightgames (1986), Double Talk (1996), and Sunset Harbor (1999) also reflect his prowess and passion as a musician. The new millennium saw the release of Twilight (2001) on Concord Jazz. (更多)

原始名称 Ed Calle
名称 ed calle
地区 venezuela 委内瑞拉
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
  • eduardo j. calle
  • eduardo j. calle,艾迪·凯勒
  • 艾迪·凯勒
  • 风格
  • 世界融合 world fusion
  • 拉丁爵士 latin jazz
  • 柔顺爵士 smooth jazz
  • 跨界爵士 crossover jazz