
神秘博士 神秘博士2 神秘博士第2季 神秘博士第2部 神秘博士第二部


Following a malfunction on the TARDIS console and the bleating of a klaxon indicating something is amiss, the Doctor insists the fault locator shows nothing is wrong and it is safe to venture outside. He leads his companions Ian, Barbara and Susan to the world beyond and within minutes they find a dead giant earthworm followed by a large deceased ant. They seem to have died immediately. After some deduction the travellers realise they have arrived on Earth but have shrunk in size to about an inch. Ian is investigating a discarded matchbox when someone picks it up and he is hurled around inside. That someone is a government scientist called Farrow. He is visited at his home by a callous industrialist named Forester to tell him that his application for DN6, a new insecticide, has been rejected. In reality DN6 should not be licensed: it is far too deadly to all insect life. When they fall out over this news, Forester shoots Farrow and leaves him for dead on the lawn. The Doctor, Barbara and Susan hear the gunshot as an enormous explosion, and head for the house. They find Ian unhurt near the dead body and surmise a murder has taken place but can do little about it. They are determined, however, to ensure the murderer is brought to justice despite their microscopic size. While avoiding a cat, the travellers get split up again with Ian and Barbara hiding in a briefcase. The giant Forester returns to the lawn and collects the briefcase, taking it inside to the laboratory. His aide, Smithers, arrives and suspects him of murder, but does not report him for fear of undermining the DN6 project to which he has given his life. The Doctor and Susan scale a drainpipe to gain access to the house and locate their friends, braving the height as they go. Meanwhile Ian and Barbara examine the laboratory and encounter a giant fly, which is killed instantly when it contacts sample seeds that had been sprayed with DN6. Barbara foolishly touched one seed earlier and soon starts to feel unwell. Nevertheless, attracted by Susan’s voice in the reverberating plughole, the four friends are reunited. Forester has meanwhile doctored Farrow’s report so as to give DN6 the licence he wants and, disguising his voice as Farrow’s, makes a supportive phonecall to the ministry to the same effect. This is overheard by the local telephone operator, Hilda Rowse, and her policeman husband, Bert, who start to suspect something is wrong. The Doctor has meanwhile realised the deadly and everlasting nature of DN6 and the probable contamination of Barbara. They try to alert someone by hoisting up the phone receiver with corks, but cannot make themselves heard. Hilda notes the engaged signal, however, and she and Bert become even more concerned. Forester and Smithers return to the lab and correct the engaged handset and then Hilda rings to check things are okay. She rings again moments later and asks for Farrow and, when Forester impersonates him, immediately spots the faked voice and so knows there is something badly wrong. Bert heads off to the house to investigate. The Doctor and his companions decide to start a fire to attract attention to the house and succeed in setting up an aerosol can of insecticide and a lab bench gas jet as a bomb. This coincides with Smithers discovering the true virulence of DN6 - it's lethal to everything - and demanding Forester stop seeking a licence. Forester spots the makeshift bomb, which goes off in his face. Smithers retrieves the gun as PC Rowse arrives and then places both under arrest. Their work done, the travellers return to the TARDIS and the Doctor reconfigures the machine to return them to normal size. Barbara, who was on the verge of death, recovers on being returned to full size; the insecticide and seed responsible aboard the TARDIS shrinking to their real microscopic and minuscule sizes. 维基百科:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planet_of_Giants

上映地区 英国
上映时间 1964
中文名 神秘博士 第二季
分集号 第二季
原始名称 神秘博士 第二季
名称 神秘博士
国家 英国
地区 英国
外文名 doctor who season 2
子类型 科幻
年份 1964
总集数 39
每集长度 25mins
片长 25mins
类别 电视剧
精选上位词 电视剧
系列名 神秘博士
英文名 doctor who season 2
语言 英语
豆瓣短评数量 16
豆瓣评分 9.1
豆瓣长评数量 0
首播时间 1964-10-31
相关实体 沉睡魔咒
  • carole ann ford
  • jacqueline hill
  • william hartnell
  • william russell
  • 别名
  • 神秘博士2
  • 神秘博士第二季
  • 剧情

    following a malfunction on the tardis console and the bleating of a klaxon indicating something is amiss,the doctor insists the fault locator shows nothing is wrong and it is safe to venture outside. he leads his companions ian,barbara and susan to the world beyond and within minutes they find a dead giant earthworm followed by a large deceased ant. they seem to have died imm...

  • douglas camfield
  • mervyn pinfield
  • 演员
  • carole ann ford
  • jacqueline hill
  • william hartnell
  • william russell
  • 杰奎琳·希尔
  • frank crawshaw
  • 威廉·拉塞尔
  • 卡罗尔·安·福特
  • 阿兰·提尔文
  • 精选别名
  • 神秘博士2
  • 神秘博士第2季
  • 神秘博士第2部
  • 神秘博士第二季
  • 神秘博士第二部
  • 评论
  • omnihola@@@@@dt
  • pomelo@@@@@第二季开始有doctor的幽默了…
  • wadjda@@@@@发布本季最后一集的围脖上,字幕菌写到:“敬我们一往无前的人生,敬今夜这二分明月。多云天下雨天就自己想象一下,我们都是心中有蓝盒子的人,没有什么能阻挡我们的无边思维,我们的无边冒险,我们的璀璨年华。”感动到内牛满面
  • 随风@@@@@一爷爷萌度爆表!无尽航行那集笑抽了,看了三遍
  • 黑桃生@@@@@sydney说fun 这才是fun! 状态越来越有了 新来的vicki和steven都好搞笑。一季走了3个同伴 原来最早的同伴们都那么想move on啊。barbara和ian回伦敦后满大街乱跳 想起第1集紧张兮兮的样子 感动的想哭。忽然想到现在博士满嘴跑火车 却是源自一爷爷台词打绊啊。继续老缠粉的打5星
  • 豆瓣短评
  • Dreamer@@@2017-05-18@@@0@@@我也觉得我可能在寻找些什么
  • cmwhite厘白@@@2018-09-27@@@0@@@曾经因为女主的颜看不下去,看完11和12之后转头重看小10的故事,才意识到曾经的自己是多么狭隘,明明每个人都有其独一无二之处,为什么要让先天的外表来决定第一印象?再说剧情,这是非常有创意的一集,各种神奇的表现手法,加上非常温情的内核,除了最后的分别,中间linda小组的故事也非常打动人心。整季逻辑清晰、设定完整、三观超正,内核感人。打个十星应该差不多。
  • 岩井俊七@@@2016-01-13@@@18@@@发布本季最后一集的围脖上,字幕菌写到:“敬我们一往无前的人生,敬今夜这二分明月。多云天下雨天就自己想象一下,我们都是心中有蓝盒子的人,没有什么能阻挡我们的无边思维,我们的无边冒险,我们的璀璨年华。”感动到内牛满面
  • 狗带白话@@@2019-02-04@@@0@@@畸形的三角恋😂
  • 黑桃生@@@2014-01-01@@@2@@@Sydney说FUN 这才是FUN! 状态越来越有了 新来的Vicki和Steven都好搞笑。一季走了3个同伴 原来最早的同伴们都那么想move on啊。Barbara和Ian回伦敦后满大街乱跳 想起第1集紧张兮兮的样子 感动的想哭。忽然想到现在博士满嘴跑火车 却是源自一爷爷台词打绊啊。继续老缠粉的打5星