ruski umetnicki eksperiment
ruski umetnicki eksperiment
ruski umetnicki eksperiment
Ruski Umetnicki eksperiment
ruski umetnicki eksperiment
ruski umetnicki eksperiment
ruski umetnicki eksperiment
The television work”Russian Art Experiment”is a response of two directors, Boris Miljkovic and Branislav Dimitrijevic, the avnagardni movement in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is no coincidence that this work was done at the beginning of the eighties, namely in 1982, because at the time of former Yugoslavia, began to bear hints of new art alternative routes, according to changes in the society. ”Russian”artistic experiment was carried out as part of the art of Television Belgrade. Made in the manner of the aesthetics of the 80′s even now is a great visual experience
上映地区 | 南斯拉夫 |
导演 | branimir dimitrijevic |
类别 | 电影 |
精选上位词 | 电影 |
ruski umetnicki eksperiment
ruski umetnicki eksperiment
ruski umetnicki eksperiment
Ruski Umetnicki eksperiment
ruski umetnicki eksperiment
ruski umetnicki eksperiment
ruski umetnicki eksperiment