


阿米克父亲当时在伊朗经营一家乐器店,只有七岁的他竟然将挂在墙上的吉他取下,独自一人躲在地下室弹奏。他的父母发现他的爱好就鼓励并支持他学习弹奏吉他,自幼即展现了对音乐的高度热情,以12岁的稚龄俨然已成专业录音作曲家,自90年代以来,即以内心极具个人风格及力道的情感,赋予弗拉门哥崭新的生命语言。Armik对古典吉他精湛的驾驭技术,无疑地奠定了他在Jazz与New Age中稳固的地位。Armik指间轮转流畅,充满华美、热情、宁静的情感,正如明亮和煦的阳光,蕴涵令人跃然起舞翩翩的律动,音符中出所展现的生命热忱,正是值得每个爱乐者毕生收藏的经典及卓越艺术所追求的宝藏。后来当他观看了西班牙著名吉他大师 Paco de Luc a 的演奏后深受启发,这成为他日后发展的一个转折点。 Armik的音乐融合了拉丁-吉普赛-爵士元素而形成他独特的风格,在热情洋溢的佛朗明哥节奏中,仍然带着一些细腻的伤感与脆弱的情丝。他的音乐让你神游在无国界的香格里拉乐园中,浑然忘我。 1975年 Armik 阿米克 录制了第一个专辑《Faramarz Aslani》获得成功,1981年到美国寻求发展,并在那里发表了《Rain Dancer》和《Gypsy Flame》等专辑,被人们视为他极大的成功,也奠定了他自己独有的风格。 后来的岁月里,Armik 阿米克 可谓顺风顺水,全球唱片销量累计过千万张、多次荣登Billboard新世纪音乐排行榜,成为当代最杰出的新弗拉门戈吉他大师之一。Armik 阿米克 的音乐融合了拉丁、吉普赛、爵士元素而形成他独特的风格,在热情洋溢的弗拉门戈节奏中,仍然带着一些细腻的伤感与脆弱的情丝。他的音乐让你神游在无国界的香格里拉乐园中。浑然忘我。有如火一般的热情并交混传统现代并存之异国色彩,为他的作品编织出无限遐想的浪漫空间。Armik 阿米克 对古典吉他精湛的驾驭技术,赋予了弗拉门戈崭新的生命语言,无疑地奠定了他在 Jazz 与 New Age 中稳固的地位。 Armik, a prolific composer of bravura guitar works, enjoys great popularity around the world. Launching his solo career in 1994, Armik drew upon his jazz roots and flamenco passions to create a revolutionary twist on the emerging Nuevo flamenco sound. His invaluable compositions and performances cover an entire range of provocative melodies honed throughout his formative years to his delicate balancing of flamenco and classical guitar to the Latin and jazz influences that listeners hear in his music today. As a guitarist, he is one of the most adulated virtuosos of the Nuevo Flamenco genre, having attained this stature by virtue of his commanding presence among Billboard Magazine's Top Ten New Age Artists of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, and 2013. Armik was born in Iran of Armenian descent. When he was just seven years old, he pawned his watch for a classical guitar, which he hid and practiced on in the basement. Formal music lessons followed and Armik completed a rigid instructional regimen in just two years. At 12, he was a professional recording artist. While his early career focused mostly on jazz, Armik discovered the beauty and passion of Flamenco while visiting Spain during the 1970s when he saw the legendary Paco de Lucia perform. Driven by a fire for the tradition that has defined his musical life ever since, the young musician immediately switched from his Jazz guitar for an in-depth journey to the heart of Spanish music. In 1981 Armik moved to Los Angeles to pursue this new direction, playing with other artists live and in the studio. By 1994 he released his solo debut album RAIN DANCER, a critical and commercial success that he followed with 1995 s GYPSY FLAME (GOLD in Australia). At this point, Armik's reputation as a professional recording artist of Nuevo flamenco was such that expert Spanish luthier Pedro Maldonado created an instrument for him, the Rubia; Armik's 1996 album was recorded with, and named after it. The following year saw the release of MALAGA, and his fifth album, ISLA DEL SOL, appeared in 1999, followed by ROSAS DEL AMOR in the spring of 2001. Armik, the internationally renowned Nuevo flamenco guitarist,composer,producer continues to blaze his guitar virtuosity around the world as the owner of the Bolero Records imprint, which was established in 2002. Since its inception, all of Armik's recordings have charted above the top ten rung on the Billboard New Age ladder of success; LOST IN PARADISE (2002), AMOR DE GUITARRA (2003), ROMANTIC DREAMS (2004), PIANO NIGHTS (2004), TREASURES (2004), CAFE ROMANTICO (2005), MAR DE SUENOS (2005), DESIRES, The Romantic Collection (2006), MI PASION (2006), CHRISTMAS WISHES (2006), GUITARRISTA (2007), A DAY IN BRAZIL (2007), BARCELONA (2008), FUEGO GITANA, The Nuevo Flamenco Collection (2008), SERENATA (2009), BESOS (2010), CASA DE AMOR (2012), REFLECTIONS (2012), FLAMES OF LOVE (2013), ALEGRA (2013), ROMANTIC SPANISH GUITAR, VOLUME 1 (2014), GREATEST HITS (2014), and MYSTIFY (2014). (更多)

别名 armik
原始名称 Armik
名称 armik
国籍 美国
地区 欧美
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
  • 世界融合 world fusion
  • 弗拉明戈流行 flamenco pop