rachael yamagata



山形瑞秋是名美国创作歌手。山形瑞秋的父亲是第三代日裔美国人,母亲则有意大利与德国血统。由于父母在瑞秋幼时离婚,她的童年就在华盛顿特区担任律师、哈佛毕业的第三代日裔美国人父亲,以及在纽约市担任画家/艺术家、有着意大利、德国血统的母亲之间生活。瑞秋毕业于马里兰州贝塞斯达的女子学校Holton-Arms School,之后进入西北大学与Vassar College。瑞秋有个双胞胎兄弟,Benji。 瑞秋曾担任芝加哥的放克融合乐乐团 Bumpus 的主唱,在这六年间,她不断的创作,录制了三张乐团专辑,并在美国各地巡回。2001年,在写了数首与乐团曲风不和的歌曲后,瑞秋决定带着这些歌开始个人演唱生涯。2002年9月,她与 Arista Records 旗下的 Private Music 签下两张唱片的合约,由 Malcolm Burn 制作的同名EP在10月发行。 瑞秋的首张专辑《偶遇》在2004年6月推出,获得评论家一致好评。专辑由John Alagia(大卫.马修、约翰.梅尔、班弗兹三人组)担任制作人。《I Want You》邀请了美国著名音乐团体The Klezmatics的成员参与。莫文蔚的歌曲《一个人睡》是翻唱自专辑中的《Be Be Your Love》。 她的歌曲曾被许多电视剧所采用,包括《圣女魔咒》、《老爸老妈的浪漫史》、《急诊室的春天》、《整形春秋》、《情归何处》(Men in Trees)、《双面女间谍》、《篮球的天空》、《家族风云》、《实习医生》、《玩酷世代》等,其中瑞秋还曾在《玩酷世代》第二季中客串。瑞秋也为曼蒂.摩尔2007年的专辑《Wild Hope》写歌,并担任曼蒂多场巡回的暖场来宾。 2008年5月22日,官网提供新EP《Loose Ends》的数位下载,内含三首新歌,作为延后发行的第二张专辑的预告。2008年10月7日,第二张专辑《殚精竭虑》发行。这张专辑比前作更为阴郁、更为悲痛。《殚精竭虑》原先是预定在2007年夏末发行。 2008年10月9日,LiveDaily Sessions 网站释出了《Faster》与《Sunday Afternoon》两首歌曲的Acoustic版现场演唱影片。2009年4月2日,她在电视剧"One Life to Live"内虚构的 Capricorn Cafe 演唱单曲《Elephants》。瑞秋的歌曲曾出现在多部电影与电视系列剧中。 Singer/songwriter Rachael Yamagata grew up listening to Carole King, Roberta Flack, James Taylor, and the like, for music was the one thing in Yamagata's life that remained consistent. Although her parents divorced when she was two, she had a wonderful childhood and she credits her parents for doing such an amazing job. Finding a balance between her German-Italian mother's apartment in New York City and the Washington, D.C., home of her third-generation Japanese father was a task, but it readied Yamagata for a way of life that would eventually lead her to a professional singing career. By the time she reached college in the mid-'90s, Yamagata had one year of piano lessons and a spiral notebook full of songs under her belt. Not sure of what she really wanted to do, Yamagata headed to Northwestern to study French. Within a year, she switched to being an Italian theater major at Vassar, but sporadic changes loomed ahead. When her acting coach at Vassar moved to Barnard College at Columbia University, Yamagata thought she'd go too. She eventually decided to head back to Northwestern instead, to join their theater program. During her junior year, she befriended the funk band Bumpus. Bumpus was a mainstay on the club circuit in Chicago. From the start, Yamagata thought she'd like to be a part of the band. After seeing countless shows and attending band practices for several months, Yamagata finally landed a gig singing with Bumpus. She'd spend six years writing and recording three albums with the band and touring the country. By 2001, Yamagata felt like her time with Bumpus had run its course. She had a solid batch of songs that weren't fitting in with the band's funkafied formula, so she went solo. In September 2002, Yamagata landed a deal with Arista's Private Music and her self-titled EP arrived in October. Her first full-length album, Happenstance, followed in June 2004. (更多)

别名 山形瑞秋
原始名称 Rachael Yamagata
唱片公司 华纳唱片
国籍 美国
地区 欧美
所属公司 华纳唱片
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选别名 山形瑞秋
翻唱 parade
Extra rachael yamagata
Name rachael yamagata
名称 rachael yamagata
精选上位词 歌手
  • 当代唱作人 contemporary singer/songwriter
  • 成人另类 adult alternative
  • 根源唱作人 singer/songwriter
  • 独立摇滚 indie rock
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