movie after the book by jan wolkers with the same title. the netherlands 1944. erik van poelgeest is a 19 year old who is just starting his career as an artist. he's a cynical young man who is haunted by his father's bible quotes. he spends his days in a studio where he paints lampshades,and at an art academy. his activities introduce him to people who will play important role...
derek de lint年轻时期长得真是有棱有角的帅啊,跟法国的louis garrel同一款的,但绝壁比garrel更帅更英俊,光身材就188,又壮硕,脸部棱角更明显,大概应为是荷兰人吧,好歹是日耳曼人。就是没生对时代,要是生在这个偶像造星的消费娱乐时代,靠爹的louis garrel早不行了。不过这俩还都是月狮,有意思