25 bucks



Last year, Danny Brown released the tortured, introspective, adventurous rap opus Old, one of the year’s best albums. One of the risky choices he made on the LP was to bring Purity Ring in to produce “25 Bucks,” a song about remembering his mother pulling his family through hard-times single-handedly by braiding neighbors’ hair on their porch. Brown and Purity Ring’s Megan James performed the song on Kimmel earlier this year, and now they appear together in the song’s new video. In director NORTON’s video, Brown and James travel through time, wandering through a series of frozen scenes from Brown’s childhood. It’s a powerful illustration of the already-powerful things Brown is talking about in the song, and it brings the track home that much harder.

Alias 25 bucks
Extra 25 bucks
Name 25 bucks
原始名称 25 Bucks
发行时间 2014-04-14
名称 25 bucks
收藏数 32
歌手 danny brown
语言 英语
  • fool's gold records
  • 华纳唱片
  • 类别
  • ep
  • single
  • 精选上位词
  • danny brown的专辑
  • 专辑
  • 风格
  • rap/hip hop
  • 嘻哈 hip-hop