how to make a book with steidl



Gerhard Steidl has spent the last 40 years printing and publishing books. His legendary, unconditional obsession with his trade has led him to become the publisher of choice for an A list of artists that include Martin Parr, Ed Ruscha, Robert Adams, Jeff Wall and Robert Frank among others. Steidl is himself an artist in his way, travelling the world to discuss the saturation of colours, the perfume of ink and the comparative qualities of paper with his clients, then returning to his presses in Göttingen, Germany to assail his staff with a minutiae of details in his quest for perfection. Steidl’s passion is infectious, his client list unique and the quality of his work without parallel. These, together with his idiosyncratic approach have made him a gift for documentary film makers Gereon Wetzel and Jörg Adolph who spent a year following the meister and his herculean schedule: ten appointments in a day; Los Angeles, Astoria, Nova Scotia and Vancouver in four days, then months at the presses. Their resulting film: ‘How to Make a Book with Steidl’ is a gem of a document. Steidl appears to flit at superhuman tempo between meetings with Karl Lagerfeld in Paris and Günter Grass in Schleswig-Holstein. Then there are hours of travelling, of waiting between appointments and the quiet poetry of loving conversations about art with some of the greatest photographers of the twentieth century. And all the way through the viewer is compelled by the energy with which drives his vision through everyone and everything like a relentless steamroller.

上映地区 德国
上映时间 2010
别名 量身订作一本书
国家 德国
地区 德国
子类型 纪录片
年份 2010
片长 88分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
语言 英语
豆瓣短评数量 21
豆瓣评分 8.4
豆瓣评论人数 52
豆瓣长评数量 0

how to make a book with steidl


how to make a book with steidl


how to make a book with steidl

  • edward ruscha
  • gerhard steidl
  • günter grass
  • joel sternfeld
  • martin parr
  • robert adams
  • robert frank
  • 剧情

    steidl is himself an artist in his way,travelling the world to discuss the saturation of...

  • How To Make A Book With Steidl
  • how to make a book with steidl
  • 名称

    how to make a book with steidl


    how to make a book with steidl

  • gereon wetzel
  • jörg adolph
  • 演员
  • edward ruscha
  • gerhard steidl
  • günter grass
  • joel sternfeld
  • martin parr
  • robert adams
  • robert frank
  • 卡尔·拉格菲尔德
  • 君特·格拉斯
  • jeff wall
  • 英文名

    how to make a book with steidl

  • eighthday@@@@@力荐给拍照的、做书的盆友们看啊~ netflix~
  • l@@@@@所以不能太执着midtone了。hope it works so i don't have to fuck my midtone. 哈哈哈
  • ray++@@@@@好可惜晚30分钟看,没看到老佛爷那段。但是看到他帮美国当代摄影大师robert frank印摄影集的时候不禁红了眼框(当时应该是84岁).......人都会老,但摄影却记住了当下的灵魂。
  • wenzogg@@@@@steidl的专业好像会把你衣服扒光
  • 林煊@@@@@看的时候就挺难受的,但是又很感动。从14岁就开始担心的现实与梦想的问题今天真的降临了,不知道说什么
  • 豆瓣短评
  • yijun@@@2014-07-26@@@0@@@做书就跟做菜一样, 需要细心调味 YA
  • 么什叫定决能不@@@2014-12-15@@@0@@@那句It's too bad it is almost good...
  • 八月..@@@2014-02-05@@@0@@@太短了,Steidl的性格和专业实在是让我很佩服。
  • 墨兰@@@2019-05-20@@@0@@@好看
  • 林煊@@@2013-10-09@@@0@@@看的时候就挺难受的,但是又很感动。从14岁就开始担心的现实与梦想的问题今天真的降临了,不知道说什么
  • 相关实体