3rd storee



Kevontay、D’Smoove、Jay-R、J'son以及Gavin这5个来自Los Angeles的年轻人,于1997年创立的3rd Storee。 3rd Storee是一个来自美国的黑人R&B组合,中文一般叫“三部曲合唱团”,Lil'Man是曾经的成员之一,不过后来离开了。 3rd Storee原来是隶属babyface的laface公司其妻子名下的一支青少年组合。 Kevontay的台风超酷、D’Smoove把rap和hip-hop溶入到3rd Storee的音乐风格之中、J'son是个舞林高手、Jay-R和Gavin深厚的歌唱根基来自福音音乐的影响.他们在97年推出第一支单曲之后即应邀和小甜甜布兰妮一起巡回演出;次年第二首单曲推出后又受邀到欧洲巡回演出。 3rd Storee was a hip-hop band in the late 1990s and early 2000s. 3rd Storee formed in 1997 in South-Central Los Angeles, California and had four members: Kevontay, D'Smoove, Jay-R, and Lil Man (now known as K. Young). The group sought to succeed groups like New Edition and The Jackson Five, and were given that chance when they were signed to Edmonds Entertainment by Tracey Edmonds. While on this label, the men of 3rd Storee toured with N'Sync and Britney Spears. In 1999, they released their self-titled debut album which had five tracks produced by Babyface. One of these tracks, "If Ever", was released as a single. The album's other single was "Party Tonight." After the first album, lead singer Lil Man left the group to pursue a solo career. In 2005 he released his first album "Learn How To Love" which spawned the hit single "Happy Together." As part of his current deal with Treacherous Records, K. Young was given his own production company "Magic Ink." He currently is touring in Europe. The group was then moved to Def Soul, which was serving as the new distribution method for Edmonds Entertainment. While there, the group roster expanded to five, as they added long-time friend, J'Son, and Gavin, who had impressed the group's manager, Jacqueline McQuarn. While on Def Soul, the group released the album Get With Me in 2002. It included the track "I'm Sorry," which the group had recorded for the Rush Hour 2 soundtrack. The title track, "Get With Me," was produced by Rodney Jerkins and was released as a single. Following the release of their sophomore effort, the group went on a brief hiatus. They returned in 2006 under the new name, Chapter 4, and had lost Kevontay in the process. Under the new name, the group was signed to J Records, where they released the single "Fool Wit You." They were reportedly working on a new album, but that seems to have been lost in the rough. (更多)

唱片公司 环球唱片
Alias 3rd storee
Extra 3rd storee
Name 3rd storee
原始名称 3rd Storee
名称 3rd storee
地区 欧美

<info><id>18074</id><desc><![CDATA[]]></desc><basic></basic><other><item><key><![CDATA[组合简介]]></key><value><![CDATA[Kevontay、D’Smoove、Jay-R、J&apos;son以及Gavin这5个来自Los Angeles的年轻人,于1997年创立的3rd Storee。<br/> 3rd Storee是一个来自美国的黑人R&amp;B组合,中文一般叫“三部曲合唱团”,Lil&apos;Man是曾经的成员之一,不过后来离开了。 <br/> 3rd Storee原来是隶属babyface的laface公司其妻子名下的一支青少年组合。<br/> Kevontay的台风超酷、D’Smoove把rap和hip-hop溶入到3rd Storee的音乐风格之中、J&apos;son是个舞林高手、Jay-R和Gavin深厚的歌唱根基来自福音音乐的影响.他们在97年推出第一支单曲之后即应邀和小甜甜布兰妮一起巡回演出;次年第二首单曲推出后又受邀到欧洲巡回演出。<br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[专辑3rd Storee]]></key><value><![CDATA[《3rd Storee》绝对称得上90年代末TeenPop时期的高水准之作,Lil&apos;Man、D-Smoove、Jay-R、Kevonte这四个男孩推出的首张专辑《3rd Storee》竟会让人喜爱至反复聆听也不觉厌烦的地步。其中Lil&apos;Man复古成熟的唱腔,以及还未变声的D-Smoove带来的纯真童声,会让不同年龄阶段的乐迷从中找到自己所需要的时刻。仅仅凭借这一箩筐的好歌,《3rd Storee》便已经让受众群体超越了年龄的界限。<br/> 然而,让人百思不得其解的是,作为主流大厂的Elektra,居然没有将如此好听的专辑发行,反而将之胎死腹中。平心而论,在越来越浮躁的音乐年代,Babyface招牌式的抒情歌曲已经不再是屡试不爽的万金油,市场的热点也早已转移至Hip-Hop和R&amp;B舞曲之上。可是,《3rd Storee》中由Babyface谱写制作的数首单曲,包括令人动容的《If Ever》,才是真正挖掘听众内心感触的深刻音符。也许传统R&amp;B已经不再适应商业发展,但是时间终究会证明其存在的可贵。 <br/> 除了Babyface的鼎力参与,R.L与Jamie Hawkins的加入也为《3rd Storee》增色许多,动感的首支单曲《Party Tonight》便出自他们之手。整体听来,抒情单曲显然更加适合3rd Storee此时此刻的纯真嗓音,Hip-Hop的加入反而会有生硬不自然的感觉,在气势上这几个孩子也会显得力不从心。不过,《3rd Storee》依然是一张爱到骨头里的专辑,琅琅上口的旋律,超越年龄的演唱,如水晶般清澈的灵魂,都成为感染听众的不二法宝,Elektra没有将之发行,受损失的是广大乐迷的利益。 <br/> 《3rd Storee》 ★★★☆ <br/> 超越年龄的演唱,没有其它杂念的灵魂,成就了3rd Storee动听且完美的首张专辑。 <br/> Tracklisting: <br/> 1. Intro <br/> 2. Party Tonight <br/> 3. If They Only Knew <br/> 4. My Friend <br/> 5. Dry Your Eyes <br/> 6. If Ever <br/> 7. Tonight <br/> 8. Interlude (The Godfather) <br/> 9. Is This The End <br/> 10. Senorita <br/> 11. All I Do<br/> 12. Interlude (Boston Powers) <br/> 13. Him Or Me <br/> 14. Don&apos;t Wanna Go Away <br/> 15. And It&apos;s True<br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[专辑Get With Me]]></key><value><![CDATA[从Elektra到Def Jam Soul,四年间变化的不仅仅是唱片公司,3rd Storee的成员构成也有大动作,包括Lil&apos;Man在内的两位成员退出,同时加入以J&apos;Son为首的三位新成员,带来的转变不仅是音乐风格上的,声音上也被打上不同的标签。从某种程度上看,《Get With Me》同《3rd Storee》之间基本没有必然联系,就像两支不同组合的专辑。<br/> Def Jam Soul在组合的推出上似乎总是力不从心,Lov&apos;Her的惨败便是个典型例子,3rd Storee也没有摆脱专辑无人问津的命运,尽管《Get With Me》作为娱乐大众的商业产物还是比较合格。只不过,当B2K扛起新一代R&amp;B组合的旗帜时,市场上留给3rd Storee的空间已经不多。同样讨好青少年市场,《Get With Me》活脱脱就像B2K的复制品,毫无组合的特色,甚至连声音都难以让人记住,如果真的走红反而会很奇怪。 <br/> 相比《3rd Storee》的深情诚恳,《Get With Me》一水儿商业的调子是在让人难以提起一听再听的兴趣,虽然旋律好听依旧,制作更加纯熟,但是相信无人愿意回味这类干瘪无味的音符,打发时间已然足够。作为新世纪商业R&amp;B的普遍特征,《Get With Me》并没有明显的错误,一步一步走的沉稳,只是相比《3rd Storee》的动听,巨大的落差还是会给人当头一棒。毕竟专辑中的这些商业调调,无论换成谁都可以驾驭的很好,曾经3rd Storee在心中不可取代的地位已经不复存在。 <br/> 同样在销量上惨败,Def Jam Soul将Lov&apos;Her打造成一支歌艺出众的经典组合,而3rd Storee无论歌曲素质亦或演唱,都仅仅维持在二流水准,人们无法记住他们,自然也就谈不上遗忘。讽刺的是,3rd Storee似乎凭借《Get With Me》在国内互联网上好好红火了一把,只能感叹于国内大多数伪R&amp;B乐迷附庸风雅的心态。 <br/> 《Get With Me》 ★★☆ <br/> 换血后的3rd Storee同乐迷的心渐行渐远,难免让人失落。 《Get With Me》大卖,可惜是组合换血之作,被资深乐评人定义为纯粹的商业作品。 <br/> 1.Get With Me 3rd Storee <br/> 2.Clap Your Hands 3rd Storee <br/> 3.Now I Can Breathe 3rd Storee <br/> 4.Superstar 3rd Storee <br/> 5.I&apos;m Sorry 3rd Storee <br/> 6.All Aboard 3rd Storee <br/> 7.Type of Mood 3rd Storee <br/> 8.How Can This Be<br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[单曲]]></key><value><![CDATA[首推单曲《I&apos;m Sorry》。曾被成龙大哥的电影《尖锋时刻2》收录进电影原声碟中。<br/>]]></value></item></other></info>

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