


卷毛霍华德, Joe DeRita`s real name was Joseph Wardell. He was born July 12, 1909 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Joe was the only one of the Stooges to come from a show biz family. His mother, Florenz DeRita, was a dancer and his father, Frank Wardell, was a stage technician. Joe was in show business from the age of seven. Joe`s roles included the title role in the stage version of "Peck`s Bad Boy" with his mother and father. In 1921 Joe went into burlesque because vaudeville was just about gone. Joe`s film debut was in "The Doughgirls" in 1944 with Ann Sheridan for Warner Brothers. During the war, Joe worked with the USO and traveled extensively overseas with many Hollywood stars including his friend, Randolph Scott. He made several tours with Bing Crosby to entertain servicemen in England and France. After the war, Joe made guest appearances on radio shows including Burns & Allen and guest appearances in films and television shows such as The Desilu Playhouse, This is Alice, and Bachelor Father. Joe appeared in Columbia shorts such as "Slappily Married" and "The Good Bad Egg," these shorts featured some of the same supporting actors who were in the Stooge Shorts. In 1958 the Columbia short subjects department was disbanded, and The Three Stooges no longer had a contract with Columbia. Joe Besser did not want to travel with the act so Moe and Larry needed a third stooge. Joe DeRita was asked to join the act, and at this time the Stooges formed Comedy III Productions, Inc., a company which still holds The Three Stooges rights and manages their affairs. In 1958 Columbia released the old Three Stooges shorts to television and there was an immediate resurgence of popularity of the Stooges. The Stooges with Curly Joe as the third Stooge made numerous personal appearances all around the country and made six full length feature motion pictures. This period of time from 1958 and throughout the 60`s was described by Larry Fine as the Stooges` golden years. While filming "Kook`s Tour" i

出生地 美国,纽约,布鲁克林
出生日期 1903-10-22
原始名称 卷毛霍华德
年龄 48
星座 天秤
职业 演员
身份 演员
身高 165cm
逝世日期 1952-01-18
  • 卷毛霍华德
  • 约瑟夫·沃德尔
  • 代表作品
  • abc 2000:the millennium
  • stoogemania
  • the swashbucklers
  • the three stooges
  • the three stooges 60th anniversary special
  • 乞丐皇帝
  • 跳舞的女人
  • 别名
  • babe
  • jerome lester horwitz
  • 约瑟夫·沃德尔
  • 约瑟夫·沃德尔,jerome lester horwitz ,babe
  • 外文名
  • babe
  • curly howard
  • jerome lester horwitz
  • 精选上位词
  • 主演
  • 影视明星
  • 明星
  • 法庭骚乱的主演
  • 演员
  • 英文名
  • babe
  • jerome lester horwitz
  • 相关实体