screen snapshots series 17,no. 9

screen snapshots series 17no. 9


A dwarf village on Hollywood's Wilshire Boulevard is shown; a bench is dedicated in honor of the late Lon Chaney; a visit to Leo Carrillo's new ranch is offered; Hollywood notables appear at the Academy Awards banquet of 1938, honoring 1937's outstanding films. Miliza Korjus sings the Star Spangled Banner, Jerome Kern presents the music award, and Shirley Temple stands on a chair to present Walt Disney with a unique statuette honoring 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,' a full size Oscar with an attached pedestal for seven miniature Oscars, one for each dwarf. Bette Davis arrives on the arm of William Wyler. Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy present miniature statuettes to Deanna Durbin and Mickey Rooney. Among the presenters are Tyrone Power and Sir Cedric Hardwicke.

上映地区 美国
上映时间 1938-04-29
国家 美国
地区 美国
导演 ralph staub
年份 1938
片长 10分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影

screen snapshots series 17,no. 9


screen snapshots series 17,no. 9


screen snapshots series 17,no. 9


Screen Snapshots Series 17,No. 9


screen snapshots series 17,no. 9


screen snapshots series 17,no. 9

  • 短片
  • 记录片
  • 精选别名

    screen snapshots series 17no. 9