silver bullets



The Chills—the Dunedin, New Zealand-based band whose early records were released by Flying Nun—haven't put out a full-length since 1996's Sunburnt. (In 2004, they put out a mini-album, Stand By, and in 2014, a single and a tour EP.) Their next LP, Silver Bullets, arrives on October 30 via Fire. Listen to "America Says Hello" above. The album also features "Molten Gold", which was released two years ago. For this album, Chills main man Martin Phillipps is joined by James Dickson, Todd Knudson, Erica Stichbury, and Oli Wilson. While Phillipps is set to play solo shows later this year, a full band tour is in the works for next year. The album was recorded at Albany Street Studios in Dunedin.

Alias silver bullets
Extra silver bullets
Name silver bullets
原始名称 Silver Bullets
发行时间 2015-10-30
名称 silver bullets
歌手 the chills
类别 录音室专辑
语言 英语
  • fire
  • fire records
  • 收藏数
  • 16
  • 20
  • 精选上位词
  • the chills的专辑
  • 专辑
  • 风格
  • alternative rock
  • 另类摇滚 alternative rock
  • 摇滚 rock & roll
  • 流行 pop
  • 独立摇滚 indie rock