


In 1966, a famous actor (Peter O'Toole) is taken by a rowboat to a fabulous old hotel on an island in the middle of a lake. He comes to find out that time stands still here -- and the reason is that he is dead. He discovers that all the residents of the hotel are famous but dead people, including Albert Einstein and Ernest Hemingway. It seems that as public interest in a dead celebrity fades away, the celebrity is given smaller and smaller rooms, until finally they are thrown out. Among the famous people that the actor meets is the writer who killed him -- for a good reason. ~ Brian Gusse, Rovi

上映地区 荷兰
上映时间 1990-03-23
中文名 成名之翼
别名 hotel zur unsterblichkeit
原始名称 成名之翼
国家 荷兰
地区 荷兰
外文名 wings of fame
年份 1990
片长 116min
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
英文名 wings of fame
语言 英语
豆瓣短评数量 20
豆瓣评分 7.8
豆瓣评论人数 54
豆瓣长评作者 城下冬草
豆瓣长评数量 1
豆瓣长评时间 2011-04-14
豆瓣长评标题 an afterworld
豆瓣长评赞数 9
  • colin firth
  • peter o'toole
  • 剧情

    in 1966,a famous actor (peter o'toole) is taken by a rowboat to a fabulous old hotel on an island in the middle of a lake. he comes to find out that time stands still here -- and the reason is that he is dead. he discovers that all the residents of the hotel are famous but dead people,including albert einstein and ernest hemingway. it seems that as public interest in a dead c...

  • 剧情
  • 喜剧
  • 导演
  • otakar votocek
  • 奥塔卡·伐弗拉
  • 评论
  • lizzy@@@@@30岁的嫩脸和彼得奥图对戏666
  • 一只总裁c@@@@@脑洞超棒的故事 死后世界对oblivion的恐惧 虽然cult感有时候让人摸不着头脑 但最爱的两个人对戏qaq 此生也就这么一次了
  • 榆之@@@@@设定非常特别,值得一看。死后的世界。
  • 烨明@@@@@开头有点莫名cult的意味,荒诞离奇而充满讽刺。死后的世界里人们依旧无法安息,以所剩无几的生前身后名换取优越的居住条件。结尾小小转成了温情向,让人在隐约的压抑情绪中不觉莞尔。
  • 萤火虫@@@@@脑洞也是够大
  • 豆瓣短评
  • Mr_Doctor@@@2016-08-13@@@2@@@(科林叔补全计划)的确很有意思 那个岛那些人到底从何而来 亦真亦假亦生亦死 脑洞好大
  • koala676@@@2008-07-13@@@0@@@剧本非常有意思
  • rachellovek@@@2018-02-05@@@0@@@我觉得还挺好看的,中间摸耳朵放松的那段笑抽了,最后好蛮感动的
  • sunflower-玉@@@2016-08-09@@@0@@@很有意思的剧本,看过的人也太少了吧。
  • 噜咿啊哦@@@2018-05-10@@@0@@@剧本真的很有趣!暗黑版《Coco》的感觉,乌托邦亡灵酒店。要是有字幕就好了啊,没完全看懂,结局是两个人身份互换了?
  • 豆瓣长评

    城下冬草@@@2011-04-14 15:34:54@@@An Afterworld@@@9@@@这篇影评可能有剧透 这是一部很有意思的电影。原以为它色调黯淡镜头缓沉定是部闷片,没想到它故事离奇,风格诡异,思考深邃,颇值得一看。 片中Colin Firth 饰演一位充满愤懑的落魄青年Smith,不知何故总是要见当下最红的明星Cesar Valentin却总是被拒,在观众没弄有明白究竟怎么回事之前,竟在众... (展开)@@@https://movie.douban.com/review/4906997/@@@https://img3.doubanio.com/icon/u2534601-14.jpg