


Adrian Cross (Lance Henriksen) is a rich businessman who likes the night life and the woman that go along with that scene and needless to say some are attracted to him. His money, rugged looks perhaps? No doubt. So when one turns up brutally murdered after a night-cap with Cross, he's held by the police as they try to put something together. Enter Dr. Hanna Carras (Joan Severance) as the police psychiatrist who studies him trying to get inside his mind. See Cross is more than just a stereotypical rich man. He flows freely with this laid back charm and style. His entire body mind and soul spews style in a not so everyday manner. When they talk, he's all mouth and she's all ears. He's got this forward way of talking. He tells it how it is which is less than subtle sometimes, but the words always come out the same way - sexy, tad provocative and biting, but is he the killer and is Carras slowly falling for him? If you see your share of movies then the setup employed might seem typical and maybe it is, but the atmosphere is fine and Henriksen carries the movie away with ease so Lance Henriksen fans take note. It's unfortunate however that the movie is damaged by the third act's climax where things add up too easily and the conclusion is reached way too quickly. The very end I felt was a nice touch, but for some it might be hard getting over the weak third act or the fact that to the eye this might come off as just another direct-to- video erotic thriller and therefore not worth seeing. In the end, I felt it was decent especially being a Henriksen fan and having seen similar entries of the same type, I think you could do a lot worse that Profile For Murder.

上映地区 加拿大
上映时间 1996-11-29
中文名 杀人档案
原始名称 杀人档案
国家 加拿大
地区 加拿大
外文名 profile for murder
年份 1996
片长 95分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
编剧 steve fisher
英文名 profile for murder
语言 英语
豆瓣短评数量 2
豆瓣短评时间 2017-03-26
豆瓣短评赞数 0
豆瓣长评数量 0

adrian cross (lance henriksen) is a rich businessman who likes the night life and the woman that go along with that scene and needless to say some are attracted to him. his money,rugged looks perhaps? no doubt. so when one turns up brutally murdered after a night-cap with cross,he's held by the police as they try to put something together. enter dr. hanna carras (joan severan...

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