milie simon



小档案 中文名 艾米丽 西蒙 外文名 milie Simon 出生日期 1978.7.17 性 别女 星 座 巨蟹座 Emilie Simon(艾米莉 西蒙),一个拥有纯粹声线和精致脸庞的法国歌手,同时也是作曲家兼制作人。听她唱歌仿佛在聆听精灵的窃窃私语,甜美又有些邪恶。Emilie那仿佛稚童那般的漂浮声线,令她一出道便成为法国歌坛另类诡秘的电音精灵。她为著名纪录片《帝企鹅日记》的配乐也令人印象深刻。 音乐路向 她是一个完美主义者,为自己所有的歌曲作词作曲。不仅如此,包括制作,规划和安排一切唱片业务,她也亲历亲为。在音乐方面的训练,她更是一丝不苟,甚至曾经在IRCM (声乐,音乐研究合作院)里苦心学习当代音乐流派知识。在她的音乐里,不仅熟练地运用英语和法语,并且你能听到完美清晰的发音,使得所有的歌曲都显得流畅逸然。Emilie用她空灵迷人的声线配合北欧式漂浮的电音,将你我带入到甜蜜的梦境之中。 艾米莉 西蒙(Emilie Simon)的童年,总在幻想著家里有个秘密通道,可以通到不知名的奇异世界,而这个幻想,在她八岁的时候成真了 ---- 身为录音工程师的父母亲在家里地下室建造了一间录音室,从此开启了 Emilie Simon 美幻的音乐世界大门。有这样爱好音乐的父母亲,Emilie Simon从小就耳濡目染;相对于其他的小孩可能看电视看到在沙发上睡著,Emilie Simon却是在爵士酒吧里听音乐听到在母亲的膝盖上入睡。二十三岁时,她的才华终於被发掘,而那彷佛从没有长大的童稚嗓音,配上歌曲里的迷离气氛,一下风靡整个法国。 艾米莉 西蒙(Emilie Simon)的父母一个是音乐疯,一个是录音师,艾米莉从小就耳濡目染,在家里地下室录音室一起参与录音。在那里,她花了很多时间倾听观察不同的音乐与乐手,同时也培养出她对音乐的独到品味与莫名热爱,以及创作诠释的精准与敏锐。 首张专辑文案上写着: 巧妙融合法语和英语美感的飘浮式欧风电音。听Emilie唱法文歌,有一种在听精灵语言感觉,可能是因为她的声音太有灵性。而听Emilie唱英文歌,有浓浓的北欧味,像疯狂但是年轻一点的Bjork再加上有着沉稳歌声让人安定心灵的羊毛衫主唱Nina。 当其它同龄小女生还在把玩芭比娃娃的年纪,Emilie Simon早在担任录音工程师的父亲耳濡目染下,八岁时便穿梭在录音室、音控平台以及爵士俱乐部之间。 她的每一首歌、每个和弦、每种编曲、每样唱法都让我有被骚到痒处的震撼。甚至连MV都是我幻想中的--很不写实,可以逃离开这个世界,就像《爱蜜莉异想世界》里的画面。 录音室专辑 milie Simon (2003) La Marche de l'Empereur (2005) V g tal (2006) The Big Machine (2009) Franky Knight (2011) Mue (2014) 英文简介 milie Simon (born 1978 in Montpellier, Occitanie, France) is a French singer, songwriter and composer of electronic music. In May 2003, she released her debut album ' milie Simon'. The electronic album was critically acclaimed and went on to become a commercial success. To promote her album, she did numerous live performances and TV appearances all over France. In 2004, she was rewarded with a Victoire de la musique in the 'Electronic Album' category for the album. Two music videos were made to promote ' milie Simon' for the songs "D sert" and "Flowers". The English version of "D sert" had an identical music video to the French version. ' milie Simon' was also re-released in certain parts of the world with additional tracks. Despite having been released for over three years, the album was still charting in the French mid-price album charts in late January 2007. More recently, milie Simon has begun performing and releasing CDs in the United States. Her first U.S. release, 'The Flower Book', came out November 2006. The release was followed by a brief tour to New York and Los Angeles. In April 2007 milie released her second recording in the United States, 'The March of the Empress', and a third, The Big Machine, in 2011. Wishing to orient her second album towards a more wintry or polar setting, she proceeded to record sounds which relate to coldness such as the sounds of smashing ice and footsteps in the snow. Coincidentally, in the midst of her search for sounds for the album, she was contacted by producer Luc Jacquet to compose the original soundtrack for his documentary film 'La Marche de l'empereur' ('March of the Penguins' in English), concerning the annual migration of emperor penguins. The film came out in France at the beginning of 2005, featuring a soundtrack by Emilie Simon that was also released by Universal Music as her second album. In 2006 she won the Victoire de la Musique in the "Film Soundtrack" category and was nominated for a C sar Award for the best film music composition. It should be noted however that the version of 'March of the Penguins' that was released in the United States and in English Canada used a more traditional documentary soundtrack scored by Alex Wurman, the local producers fearing that the milie Simon soundtrack would be too challenging for North American viewers (the only cinemas in North America to screen the film with the ' milie Simon' soundtrack were those of the French circuit in the province of Quebec). The Canadian DVD version of the film offers both the French version with ' milie Simon's soundtrack and the American version with that of Alex Wurman. In 2006, milie Simon released her third album, V g tal, in which she uses the sounds of plants, as hinted by the name. The lyrics play with words, always relating to flora. The album also contains more elements of rock music. This comes forward in some of the more lively tracks, such as "Fleur de Saison", where she plays an electric guitar. The sound remains nonetheless that of electronic music while her voice maintains its candor, softness, and beauty. A music video has been aired for the first single "Fleur de saison", the second one called "Dame de Lotus" has also been already aired. The album utilizes Opendisc technology which enables access to special content such as songs and music videos on her official website. V g tal is her only album to have more than one cover image. Currently, three separate covers exist for the album. In late 2006, she released 'The Flower Book' in the USA (April 2007 in Canada), a compilation album of her first three records, with some added material from her short international tour which included stops in New York and Los Angeles. She also used MySpace to convey messages to fans. Furthermore, "D sert" was released in vinyl in the US. The track "Rose hybride de th ", originally from V g tal, is officially the first single release intended for US audiences. On 5 March 2007, milie Simon released her first live album, titled ' l'Olympia'. The set exists as a sole CD or DVD, and contains live footage from a concert recorded on 19 September 2006. Songs from all of three of her albums are present in the recording. As a follow-up to Simon's debut U.S. release, 'The Flower Book', 'La Marche de l'Empereur' was released on 3 April 2007. In September 2010 Emilie traveled to China for a short China tour with local promoters Split Works, stopping at the Dragon Valley Festival and in Shanghai and Hong Kong. Studio album 2003 milie Simon 2006 V g tal 2009 The Big Machine 2011 Franky Knight 2014 Mue (更多)

国籍 法国
地区 欧美
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
  • emilie simon
  • 艾米莉 西蒙
  • 艾米莉 西蒙,emilie simon
  • 原始名称
  • milie Simon
  • Émilie Simon
  • 名称
  • milie simon
  • Émilie simon
  • 风格
  • 法国流行 french pop
  • 电音流行 electropop
  • 艺术流行 art pop
  • 相关实体