


澳大利亚Avant-garde Black/Death Metal乐队,组建于1995年。 With one of the most cult followings in death metal today, Australia’s STARGAZER, alongside their comrades in PORTAL, are seen as one of the most unique and bizarre bands in death metal today. With themes steeped in occult lore, STARGAZER’s brand of death metal leans more towards the technical and progressive side of the genre, following in the footsteps paved by such forefathers of the genre such as ATHIEST, SADUS, CYNIC, and PESTILENCE while meshing the progressive edge of classic thrash metal ala CORONER and VOIVOD and the black-thrash idiosyncrasies of bands such as ABSU. The two main members of STARGAZER (The Serpent Inquisitor and The Great Righteous Destroyer) have also been involved with some of Australia’s top underground extreme metal bands likewise, namely MOURNFUL CONGREGATION and CAULDON BLACK RAM respectively. STARGAZER began initially in the mid-‘90s, with a collection of demos, splits, best-of compilations and EP’s, yet this new album, “A Great Work Of Ages” is only their second full-length release to date and their first album in five years following their highly acclaimed “The Scream That Tore The Sky” debut. Even though “A Great Work Of Ages” is STARGAZER’s second full-length album, the band have conjured a reputable cult following, pretty much death/extreme metal fans who are looking to indulge in bands that like to push the envelope even further within the genre. Hence that’s why STARGAZER’s following mirrors PORTAL’s following; even though both bands are of a wholly different sound and entity, both bands are two bands within death metal that are really tearing the boundaries on what such a genre has to offer and destroying all limitations and conceived perceptions on the death metal genre as a whole Nonetheless “A Great Work Of Ages” will go down as a monument to the innovation and creativity of death metal through its intricate musical craftsmanship and profound lyrics and themes, and inevitably be seen as one of the most creative and unique death metal albums of the year. Stargazer are: The Serpent Inquisitor (Guitars/Vocals) The Great Righteous Destroyer (Bass/Vocals) Selenium (Drums) (更多)

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Name stargazer
名称 stargazer
国籍 澳大利亚
  • StarGazer
  • Stargazer
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  • australia 澳大利亚
  • 澳大利亚
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    <info><id>67289</id><desc><![CDATA[]]></desc><basic></basic><other><item><key><![CDATA[Stargazer]]></key><value><![CDATA[<br/>意思:<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; star-星<br/> gaze-凝视,端详<br/> gazer-观察者<br/> stargazer-观星者<br/> 来源于日本动漫高达destiny_c.e.73观星者<br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[化妆品的牌子]]></key><value><![CDATA[<br/>一种来自于英国的哥特化妆品大牌。中文名是凝望星辰。<br/>是哥特和吸血鬼的专用。<br/>&nbsp;<br/>夜色之中唯一的星辰,以璀璨之辉映亮贵族们的衣香鬓影。我依靠着墓碑上的逆十字,回忆起二百年前舞会上的你拖地的鲸骨裙。18世纪的法国宫廷,末日终临前夜最后的轻浮和疯狂。你肆无忌惮的笑容似乎可以永驻于时间,而今唯有我献给你的信物与我的记忆一并留存至今。<br/>&nbsp;<br/>里面的东西都比较罕见,比如用了以后像死人肤色一样的粉底;黑色的唇膏;夸张的假睫毛。价格一般是100左右。<br/>&nbsp;<br/>一般在哥特聚会上都不难找到stargazer的身影。不过中国目前好像还没有看到专卖店。网上倒是有,不过真假就很难说了。各位喜欢哥特的不妨去看看这个牌子的化妆品。超有个性。<br/>&nbsp;<br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[一部动漫]]></key><value><![CDATA[1.虽然距离《高达SEED-D》的完结已经有半年之久,然而关于是否会出第三部的争论却从来没有停止过,并且被各方臆断。从没有结局的《高达SEED-D》到号称50分钟实际上只有10分钟的TV特别篇《被选择的未来》,从不满意阿斯兰和美玲的美好结局到国内某知名动漫网上发表了一篇“阿斯兰当爸爸?SEED将出第三部”的假消息,从《SEED》可能会出第三部到《SEED》第三部将在今年10月放送,对SEED系列的关注度应该让SUNRISE笑歪了嘴吧。如果实在没有一部像样的“续作”推出,似乎的确有些对不起观众。 2. 那么,好吧。《高达SEED》的全新OVA正式公布了。虽然2月底太平洋游戏网也曾报道过从日文相关站上传出的《SEED》新作OVA正在企划中的消息(点此查看),不过这次SUNRISE算是正式公布了这个大消息。 3. 消息来源于最新一期的《NewType》杂志,《NewType》杂志的创刊和SUNRISE可谓颇有渊源,当年在《NewType》独家披露的《高达0079》系列报道,让高达这个当时名不见经传的动画开始步入日本动画的国民级殿堂,也让当初创刊不久苦于无法突破老牌杂志《ANIMAGA》的《NewType》逐渐击败对手,成为日本动画资讯杂志的龙头老大。所以历来《NewType》和SUNRISE“狼狈为奸”,这点从近年来《SEED》系列无数次登上《NewType》的封面上可以看出来。这次的OVA《机动战士高达SEED C.E.73 STARGAZER(观星者)》自然也是由《NewType》最新公开详细资料的。 4. 目前,OVA《机动战士高达SEED C.E.73 STARGAZER(观星者)》的发布日期、声优阵容等都没有确认,不过可以确认的是,OVA每集15分钟,全3回,首先将通过网络配送和活动放映发布,并预定在5月的静冈Hobby展首次公开演示片断。 ]]></value></item></other></info>

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