


by Eduardo RivadaviaHailing from Norway's Sogndal region, Windir (meaning "Primal Warrior") combined the vicious fury of black metal with Scandinavia's rich folk music, history, and mythology. Masterminded in 1994 by vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Terje "Valfar" Bakken, Windir issued a couple of demos before debuting with 1997's Sóknardalr, on which Steingrim played drums and Steinarson provided clean vocals sung not in English, not in Norwegian, but in the Saognamaol dialect. Unveiled two years later, their second effort, Arntor, was a full-fledged concept album inspired by a local warrior legend of the same name, but unlike its predecessor, compositions were now sung in English, with an eye for the international market. Following its release to generally rave reviews, Valfar decided to properly flesh out Windir for the purpose of performing live, and guitarists Strom and Sture, keyboardist Righ, and bassist Hvàll were added in time for 2001's 1184. Clean vocals were handled by one Cosmocrator this time out, and though still thematically steeped in regional Norse subject matter, Windir's folk music leanings also took a noticeable back seat here, making way for a return to more cohesively metallic direction -- also utilized on the band's fourth effort, 2003's formidable Likferd. The latter, especially, was termed an unmitigated triumph by the worldwide press, and the future seemed incredibly bright for Windir, but on January 14, 2004, Valfar set out on foot to his family's secluded cabin at Fagereggi and never arrived. His worried family contacted local authorities, who organized a search party and, on the 17th, found Valfar's body at Reppastølen in the Sogndal valley. Apparently surprised by the inclement weather and deep snow, he had attempted to turn back toward home, but died from exposure and hypothermia on the way. Needless to say, these tragic events sadly spelled the end for Windir, whose remaining members solemnly organized a benefit concert to celebrate their lost leader, as well as a final CD (2004's Valfar, Ein Windir) containing Windir outtakes and leftovers meant to raise funds for Valfar's family. (更多)

Alias windir
Extra windir
Name windir
原始名称 Windir
名称 windir
国籍 挪威
  • norway 挪威
  • 挪威
  • 歌手详细介绍

    <info><id>55886</id><desc><![CDATA[]]></desc><basic></basic><other><item><key><![CDATA[Windir]]></key><value><![CDATA[Windir是来自挪威Sogndal的一支具有加入民谣元素的黑金乐队。成立的初衷是由于创始人Valfar不想让自己的音乐创作受到他人的束缚,亦由于厌倦了在别人乐队里得不到完全的发挥,所以就索性自己成立了一个单人乐队--Windir。<br/> 1995-96年,小样《Sognariket》和《Det gamle riket》使Windir在地下黑金界受到了好评,并引起了挪威当地及国外唱片公司的注意。96年底,Windir正式签约Head not found/Voices of wonder唱片,并于97年初发现的处女大堞《Soknardalr》。虽然这张唱片的录音仅仅用了4天,但残酷和黑暗的声音效果却处理的都恰到好处。专辑结合黑金的原始氛围与史诗化的民谣旋律,顿时使聆听者眼前一亮。音乐天才Valfer一个人担当了主唱以及除了鼓之外所以乐器的演奏,专辑一推出就受到了普遍好评并在一年内发售了超过2000张。<br/> 1998年底,第二张大堞《Arntor》是在挪威bergen闻名的Grieghallen录音室完成录音和后期混音的,由著名音乐人“Pytten”担任制作(与他合作过的有Emperor, Immortal, Burzum, 以及Mayhem等)。Valfar在这次录音中不得不增加了几个客作演奏家,以使自己趋于复杂的音乐能够更加超完美的得到演绎。不过仍旧他自己来担当主唱,以及吉他,贝司,合成器,风琴的演奏。1999年,大堞在挪威及世界正式发行。《Arntor》比《Soknardalr》有了更多民谣的影子,其中好几首歌都是Valfar改用民谣的调子重新谱写的。但大量的民谣运用并没有软化曲风,而是完美的讲结合了美丽与邪恶的意念。无疑《Arntor》成为了Windir最具竞争力的一击,并成为了黑金史上最令人振奋的作品之一。好评如潮的《Arntor》售出了超过4000张。<br/> 2001年底第三张大堞《1184》的发行为Windir的传奇史又揭开了新一篇章。由于先前作品得到了令人出乎意料的极好反应,Valfar的压力也随之而来。就在创作时这第三张大堞时,他明显的感受到单评他一个人的思维是无法极大突破前两张的成功。所以他这一次与同在挪威Sogndal的作曲人Hvàll以及他的乐队Ulcus和并了起来,共同谱写了《1184》。这张革新的大堞最终赢得了乐评界以及新老乐迷的青睐。<br/> Windir在词的创作上可谓是颇费心机的。在第一和第二张全挪威语大堞里,他们所用的是一种古老的方言"Saognamaol",来描写他自己所在的村庄Sogndal的传奇史。在第三张《1184》中,Windir首次加入了几首用英语写词的歌,为的是使自己的创作不受到方言的约束,这样一方面可以吸引更多新歌迷,又可以使老歌迷们体会一下Windir歌使用英语词的新意境。<br/> 新专辑《Likferd》已经于2003年正式推出,延续了《1184》的风格。<br/> 2004年1月14日,挪威维京金属乐队Windir主唱Valfar离家外出后一直没有回来,他的家人非常担心,所以通知了当地的警方。1月17日,Valfar的尸体在故乡Sogndal的山谷被发现。由于当时寒冷的天气和厚厚的积雪,使路途变得十分艰难,这一切出乎了Valfar的预料,当他意识到可能回不了家时,他尝试着按原路返回,可是非常不幸,他没有成功。据法医的证明,Valfar是死于高热病(一种疾病,主要原因是受到外部刺激导致体温异常变化)而排除凶杀及自杀的可能。这次悲惨的事故给Valfar的家人,朋友和乐队的歌迷甚至是整个维京金属界造成非常严重的打击。当地的Stedje教堂将于1月27日为Valfar举行了葬礼。<br/> Valfar不幸逝世后,他的家庭成员和乐队其它成员决定为他开办一场名为SongaMetal的纪念音乐会,同时这也是没有Valfar的Windir乐队最后一次登台演出。音乐会于2004年9月17日在挪威首都奥斯陆的洛克菲勒礼堂召开,这一天是已故的Valfar的26岁生日,超过了1200人为Valfar和Windir送别,Enslaved、Finntroll和Mindgrinder乐队成员做为嘉宾出场,Valfar的兄弟Vegard参与演出了部分曲目。这次演唱会于2005年发行了DVD。<br/> Tracklisting:<br/> 1. Sognariket Sine Krigarar<br/> 2. On The Mountain Of Goats<br/> 3. Svartasmeden Og Lunnamyerstrollet<br/> 4. Stridsmann<br/> 5. 1184<br/> 6. Blodssvik<br/> 7. Fagning<br/> 8. Krigaren si gravferd<br/> 9. Arntor, ein Windir<br/>]]></value></item></other></info>

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