


Slavica is living on the margins of society, always skirting borders of what is legal. She is trying to change her ways and to make a living, but it turns out to be an impossible achievement for her. Not having any other means to survive, she turns to stealing, but is quickly apprehended and severely sentenced. She tries to cover her tracks and takes on the identity of Marija, a successful scientist who is preparing her PhD in psychoanalysis. The real Marija learns about this identity theft, which awakens an interest in Slavica's way of life. The two of them switch identities and discover worlds which are sure to change them.

Mtime评分 暂无评分
上映地区 塞尔维亚
上映时间 2015
中文名 zigosana
原始名称 Zigosana
名称 zigosana
国家 塞尔维亚
地区 塞尔维亚
外文名 zigosana
子类型 剧情
导演 sasa radojevic
年份 2015
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
编剧 sasa radojevic
英文名 zigosana
表演 biljana misic/ljubinka
角色 ljubinka
评论 0 条影评