they only come out at night



by Michael B. Smith While this album will forever be remembered for spawning the huge hit singles "Frankenstein" and "Free Ride," there's plenty more to appreciate on this stellar release. From "the other single," "Hangin' Around," to the pretty melodies of "Round & Around" and "Autumn," the set collects ten outstanding cuts, played with fervor by Edgar Winter, Chuck Ruff, Dan Hartman, Randy Jo Hobbs, and Ronnie Montrose, along with guest artist/producer Rick Derringer. The "party" feel of "We All Had a Real Good Time" and the singalong "Alta Mira" only add to this already red-hot mix, making They Only Come Out at Night the album Winter will always be remembered for.

发行时间 1972-02-14
唱片公司 索尼音乐
收藏数 41
歌手 edgar winter
类别 录音室专辑
语言 英语

they only come out at night


they only come out at night

  • They Only Come Out At Night
  • They Only Come Out at Night
  • 名称

    they only come out at night

  • edgar winter的专辑
  • 专辑
  • 风格
  • pop
  • 布鲁斯摇滚 blues rock
  • 摇滚 rock & roll
  • 硬摇滚 hard rock