des o'connor



by Sharon Mawer Des O'Connor is one of Britain's best-loved and longest-serving all-round entertainers, who had a string of hit singles in the late '60s, including even a number one single, "I Pretend," in 1968. He was born in Stepney, East London, on January 12, 1932, and was evacuated to Northampton during the Second World War. Briefly a professional footballer with Northampton Town, he joined the Royal Air Force with which he performed his national service. His first job on leaving the services was as a complaints clerk in a boot and shoe factory, but he followed his dream to work in show business and got a job as a Bultin's redcoat entertainer. He appeared in variety theaters throughout the country before his break in television in the late '50s as a presenter for the ITV interlude Spot the Tune. In 1963 he was given his own variety show called The Des O Connor Show. In 1967 he began his recording career, and like his contemporary Ken Dodd, he recorded some comic novelties but it was with his romantic ballads that he gained chart success, firstly with the single "Careless Hands" and the number one hit "I Pretend." He was constantly ridiculed for his blandness and easygoing, laid-back style, especially from his good friends and fellow comedians Morecambe e, Australian singer Jodie Brooke Wilson, on September 23, 2007, his fourth marriage. (更多)

中文名 des o'connor
原始名称 Des O'Connor
名称 des o'connor
国籍 英国
地区 欧美
外文名 des o'connor
类似歌手 相似艺人
职业 演员
身份 演员
风格 传统流行 traditional pop
  • frost on sunday的主演
  • 主演
  • 倒计时的主演
  • 影视明星
  • 明星
  • 歌手
  • 演员
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