gary lamb



by Linda KohanovLamb's music is exemplary of his early musical interests. The Northern California native grew up listening to R&B and was playing drums in Bay Area rock bands before the age of 20. Along the way, he dabbled in piano and actually took some time off from the club scene to concentrate on building his chops on that instrument. He recorded a couple of solo piano albums in the mid-'80s, eventually adding electronic keyboards to the mix on his 1989 release Watching the Night Fall, his first album to get national radio airplay. His subsequent recordings mix his love of catchy, generally cheerful, pop melodies with his penchant for rock & roll backbeats. (更多)

中文名 gary lamb
代表作品 铁血人狼
别名 gary lamb
原始名称 Gary Lamb
名称 gary lamb
唱片公司 未确定
地区 欧美
外文名 演员
所属公司 未确定
演员作品 铁血人狼
类似歌手 相似艺人
身份 演员
  • projectmetalbeast的主演
  • 主演
  • 影视明星
  • 明星
  • 歌手
  • 铁血人狼的主演
  • 风格
  • 器乐独奏 solo instrumental
  • 成人另类 adult alternative
  • 相关实体