jiban niye khela



The movie revolves around an imaginary village called Haridevpur where Dr. Subhankar Sanyal (Ranjit Mullick) arrives as the head doctor of a Dharampur State Hospital, who is a specialist in each field. He tries to break the previous rules made in an agreement between the Super, (Manoj Mitra), and Dr. Sen, (Haradhan Bandopadhyay), because of which he faces many difficulties. By creating various hardships in his daily life, the Super and Dr. Sen try to remove him from the hospital. They succeed in this act by passing out his transfer to some other place. But they were confronted by the villagers who try to prevent him from leaving the village.

上映地区 印度
中文名 jiban niye khela
原始名称 Jiban Niye Khela
名称 jiban niye khela
国家 印度
地区 印度
外文名 jiban niye khela
子类型 剧情
导演 anjan choudhury
片长 125分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
英文名 jiban niye khela