the roots



出道已达十五年的The Roots乐团是另类说唱的一支重要力量。1987年,美国宾夕法尼亚州费城高中的两个好朋友,原名Tariq Trotter的说唱歌手Black Thought和原名Ahmir Khalib Thompson的鼓手一起用简陋的乐器开始了在学校附近的说唱演出,一段时间之后他们有了一些钱改善装备,并且加入了说唱歌手Malik B和贝斯手Leonard Hubbard。1989年,The Roots乐团在费城正式宣告成立,并且在随后不久便成为了费城和纽约地区出众的地下说唱乐团之一,并且于1993年在一家小唱片公司发行了乐团的首张专辑《Organix》,结果这张专辑让他们成为了一些大唱片公司的宠儿。经过唱片公司的争夺,The Roots乐团签约DGC唱片公司,并且在1995年初发行了他们在主流唱片公司的第一张专辑《Do You Want More?》。 by John Bush Though popular success has largely eluded the Roots, the Philadelphia group showed the way for live rap, building on Stetsasonics hip-hop band philosophy of the mid-80s by focusing on live instrumentation at their concerts and in the studio. Though their album works have been inconsistent affairs, more intent on building grooves than pushing songs, the Roots live shows are among the best in the business. The Roots focus on live music began back in 1987 when rapper Black Thought (Tariq Trotter) and drummer ?uestlove (Ahmir Khalib Thompson) became friends at the Philadelphia High School for Creative Performing Arts. Playing around school, on the sidewalk, and later at talent shows (with ?uestloves drum kit backing Black Thoughts rhymes), the pair began to earn money and hooked up with bassist Hub (Leon Hubbard) and rapper Malik B. Moving from the street to local clubs, the Roots became a highly tipped underground act around Philadelphia and New York. When they were invited to represent stateside hip-hop at a concert in Germany, the Roots recorded an album to sell at shows; the result, Organix, was released in 1993 on Remedy Records. With a music industry buzz surrounding their activities, the Roots entertained offers from several labels before signing with DGC that same year. The Roots first major-label album, Do You Want More?!!!??!, was released in January 1995; forsaking usual hip-hop protocol, the album was produced without any samples or previously recorded material. It peaked just outside the Top 100, but was mostly ignored by fans of hip-hop. Instead, Do You Want More?!!!??! made more tracks in alternative circles, partly due to the Roots playing the second stage at Lollapalooza that summer. The band also journeyed to the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland. Two of the guests on the album who had toured around with the band, human beatbox Rahzel the Godfather of Noyze - previously a performer with Grandmaster Flash and LL Cool J - and Scott Storch (later Kamal), became permanent members of the group. Early in 1996, the Roots released Clones, the trailer single for their second album. It hit the rap Top Five, and created a good buzz for the album. The following September, Illadelph Halflife appeared and made number 21 on the album charts. Much like its predecessor, though, the Roots second LP was a difficult listen. It made several very small concessions to mainstream rap - the bandmembers sampled material that they had recorded earlier at jam sessions - but failed to make a hit of their unique sound. The Roots third album, 1999s Things Fall Apart, was easily their biggest critical and commercial success; The Roots Come Alive followed later that year. The long-awaited Phrenology was released in late November 2002 amid rumors of the Roots losing interest in their label arrangements with MCA. In 2004, the band remedied the situation by creating the Okayplayer company. Named after their website, Okayplayer included a record label and a production,promotion company. The same year, the band held a series of jam sessions to give their next album a looser feel. The results were edited down to ten tracks and released as The Tipping Point in July of 2004. A 2004 concert from Manhattans Webster Hall with special guests like Mobb Deep, Young Gunz, and Jean Grae was released in early 2005 as The Roots Present in both CD and DVD formats. Two volumes of the rarities-collecting Home Grown! The Beginners Guide to Understanding the Roots appeared at the end of the year. Game Theory, the groups first album for Def Jam, followed in 2006. (更多)

别名 the roots
唱片公司 环球唱片
Alias the roots
Extra the roots
Name the roots
原始名称 The Roots
名称 the roots
国籍 美国
  • united states of america 美国
  • 美国
  • 歌手详细介绍

    <info><id>9609</id><basic><item><key><![CDATA[歌手名]]></key><value><![CDATA[The Roots]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[国籍]]></key><value><![CDATA[美国]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[代表作品]]></key><value><![CDATA[《Organix》 、《Do You Want More》 、《how i got over》]]></value></item></basic><other><item><key><![CDATA[百科名片]]></key><value><![CDATA[一个jazz hip hop 乐团,他们的特点就是会玩音乐,从jazz到funk都在他们音乐中体现并且融合的非常好。他们音乐大都是比较积极,听他们的歌就会充满动力。他们被称为是最佳现场hip hop艺人,你可以看到他们鼓手,键盘手一应俱全。]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[成员]]></key><value><![CDATA[Ahmir Thompson Tariq Trotter Scott Storch Malik B Leonard "Hub" Hubbard Scratch <br/> Kamal Gray<br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[历史]]></key><value><![CDATA[由来 1987年,以极富创造性和行为艺术而闻名的费城高中,开学第二天。一个叫Ahmir Thompson的学生走进了校长的办公室,为的是获得外出午餐的许可。与此同时,一个名叫Tariq Trotter的一年级新生,被学校的保安领着,跌跌撞撞走进校长办公室,他被发现在女厕所与一名芭蕾舞学生进行“课余活动”。 幸运的是,Thompson计划的不只是午餐,而Trotter的兴趣要比女人要广泛的多。Thompson是一个爵士鼓手,Trotter是一个MC,于是他们决定在一起做音乐。他们买不起唱盘,麦克风,DJ设备。但是,他们暗自庆幸,因为他们穷困的状态,他们的音乐没有充满造就了嘻哈和摇滚的有生于无的传统精神。这样,Trotter的写的调调在Thompson租来的鼓上响起。最终,他们称自己为the Square Roots,Thompson取名为‘?uestlove’,而Trotter昵称为Black Thought。 1989年,情人节。The Square Roots的首次处女演出,竟然是当着同学Boyz II Men的面。?uestlove回忆往事并说道:这个R&B组合耍手段,他们表演了New Edition的歌,并且模仿了他们金光闪闪的穿着打扮。风头盖过了我们。但这种事情很常见。 费城南大街。如果你不知道费城南大街,那么想一想曼哈顿的Greenwich Village,或者旧金山的Haight Ashbury。民主色彩浓郁的波西米亚艺术就这样充满了整条大街,这里的拐角处就是?uestlove 和 Black Thought演出的地方。某一日,夜店的老板相中了他们,并给了他们室内表演的机会。 1991年。Black Thought到费城外的Millersville大学继续他的学业。当他不停坐在教室里幻想着“5万多名歌迷在台下为他们欢呼”的场景的间隙,他结识了同学,会饶舌的Malik B,贝斯手Leonard "Hub" Hubbard,并且他们也加入了乐队,随后新The Roots成立了。最后键盘手Scott Storch的加入使得他们的音乐更完美起来。 发展 1993。The Roots决定去德国演出,于是他们想到在演唱会现场销售他们的专辑。最后印度厂牌 Remedy唱片公司发行了这张名为《Organix》的专辑。长途跋涉的欧洲行程里,他们不过挤在伦敦的一间公寓里歇脚。 1995年。The Roots从Geffen毕业了,或者是Black Thought口中所谓的“sharecropping”,他们发行了专辑《Do You Want More?!!!??!》。当时的唱片届盛行旧歌新唱,但是Roots确没有。取而代之的是,专辑平添了乐队新成员Noyze教父human beatbox Rahze,爵士歌手Joshua Roseman,萨克风Steve Coleman以及歌手Cassandra Wilson,《Proceed》 《Silent Treatment》即成了热门歌曲。 The Roots的现场演出更是在Lollapalooza的舞台上,以及由Miles Davis 和Marvin Gaye的缘故而变得重要的瑞士Montreux爵士音乐节上大放异彩,扩大了他们的影响力。 1996年。,The Roots发行了专辑《Illadelph Halflife》,其中有非常熟悉的《What They Do》,并且这支歌的音乐录影带成为了史上最雄辩和创新之作。The Roots’的新生时代就此开始。键盘手Kamal Gray和刮碟手Scratch加入了乐队。 1999年。在他们发行专辑《Things Fall Apart》,商业上的成功接踵而来。专辑的大卖90万,直逼白金销量。专辑中包括了由Jill Scott创作,与Eve 和 Erykah Badu的格莱美获奖作品《You Got Me》。 在唱片行的成绩骄人,The Roots在舞台上同样展示了巨大的魅力,他们随即发行了双CD的演唱会专辑《The Roots Come Alive》。 与此同时,他们的商业基地也在扩张,他们为他人创造了一个。他们筹建了Jazzyfatnastees, Jaguar Wright和音乐沙龙Black Lily, 使得Beanie Sigel, Bilal和Musiq有了初次登台的机会。 2000年的时候,The Roots凭《You Got Me》获得了Grammy Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group大奖,并且Jay-Z一起在他的MTV Unplugged special演出。 2001年的时候,The Roots加盟了Moby的Area One 巡演。 2002年。The Roots发行了他们的第六张专辑《Phrenology》。Black Thought的歌词是他迄今为止最为感性的一次。专辑以一首长度超过10分钟的《Water》开始,这是传递给曾经的乐队成员,沉溺于毒品的Malik B的消息,也是自从Issac Hayes放弃了垄长的编曲之后,再次让歌迷听到奢侈华丽而雄心勃勃的一首歌曲。Amiri Baraka, Nelly Furtado and Cody Chestnut 都是亮点,他们还首次引入punk元素,混音的部分邀请了深受80年代节奏布鲁斯影响的吉他手Ben Kenney来共同打造。Kenney之后加入了Incubus乐队 。滚石杂志声称,The Roots的《Phrenology》勾画出了“21世纪流行音乐的蓝图”。 2003年。The Roots因提名专辑《Phrenology》而受邀参加格莱美颁奖盛典,并与Eminem共同表演。做了几年the Okayplayer tour,?uestlove为D’Angelo, Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Macy Gray 和Joss Stone等制作音乐专辑,The Roots开始制作他们的第七张专辑。追溯到爵士乐的黄金时代以及第一张专辑的录音方法,?uestlove, Black Thought, Hub and Kamal 打造了一张全明星专辑。客座音乐家来自Brooklyn的吉他手Captain Kirk (Kirk Douglas)以及打击乐器演奏者Frank Knuckles也加入到其中。 巅峰 2004年。The jam sessions获得了里程碑式的成功并且到达了“踢爆点”。最后,专辑有了足够的素材。?uestlove说到他最喜欢的专辑应该在.35分钟以内,并把专辑歌曲限制在11首之内。乐队给这首歌曲取名为《The Tipping Point》(踢爆点),这个名字源于Malcolm Gladwell 的一本书,表达了他们对这张自1987年以来的集大成之作可以将他们推向事业的高峰。Scott Storch在为Dr. Dre, Christina Aguilera和Beyonce等制作专辑后回归到乐队,谱写了一首电子风格的单曲《Don't Say Nut》。Black Thought担任了录音带中的多个角色,主任,老人,路边唱歌的小孩,折射出了影响到这张专辑丰富元素。出现在这张专辑里的明星有Jean Grae,Martin Luther, Devin the Dude 和Dave Chappelle, 《In Love with (The Mic)》,以及在《Everybody Is a Star》中与Sly 和the Family Stone合作 所表达得对于他们的敬意。 2006年,休息了两年之后的the Roots变得更成熟,发行了专辑《Game Theory》,收入了14首节奏强烈的歌曲,表达了他们当前的世界观。《Game Theory》是自1999年大获成功的《Things Fall Apart》以来,最发人深思,激动人心的专辑,它也是the Roots 在加盟Def Jam唱片后的处女大碟。 “发生了太多事情了,我们不能靠边站而不去谈论这些事情”Black Thought说。鼓手?uestlove描述这张专辑则说“非常成熟,严肃和黑暗”。 《It Don’t Feel Right》诠释了乐队对于社会的种种不安,《False Media》和《New World》则表达了他们关于战争,军队以及政府对于新世界的操控。同时专辑也纪念了他们的朋友,制作人James Yancey a/k/a J-Dilla,他罹患肾衰竭于2月去世,这件事震惊了整个嘻哈界。 <br/> 2006年至今。这段时期比起以往都要来得更重要,因为如果你真正了解the roots,你会明白他们的过人之处。The Roots 的智慧光芒不在于他们是“真正的音乐家”的身份,也不在于他们如何写出那些由文学作品演化而来的专辑名而在于他们能够想尽办法,使得他们更贴近时代——总是在变化.。这是乐队在录音时?uestlove制作的清单,有完成的部分,有删除的部分,speed metal, electronica, drum and bass, Stones-style rock—完成, 完成, etc.).The Roots 的成功出于你认为他们可以做什么VS他们在做什么。这是一种距离,他们架起的桥梁所分隔出的空间,尝试/不尝试,期待/不期待,就像音乐节奏的间隙。<br/>]]></value></item></other></info>

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