the third chapter of great metaphysic russian director from st petersburg konstantin lopushanski's apocalyptic trilogy. the director himself called this one "the soviet apocalypse of the dying empire". this work is a real monument for russian orthodoxy and old-believers. it gives brief vision of expression the post-soviet religion revival. it is somewhere the direct screening o...
熊仔侠@@@2013-03-21 22:20:20@@@俄罗斯知识份子,自己去看!@@@8@@@这篇影评可能有剧透 作为苏联80年代中后期「涅瓦浪潮」干将之一的康斯坦丁·罗普桑斯基素以「科幻灾难片」而见称。可以这么说,像罗普桑斯基这样坚持拍摄科幻灾难片的苏俄导演是少之又少的。而在科幻灾难片中注入苏俄知识份子的高度精神忧虑内核的苏俄导演更是凤毛麟角。可见,罗普桑斯基在苏俄电... (展开)@@@