
400 million miles from earth


Sci-fi is a rapidly changing genre. It loses impact even more rapidly than horror. Therefore it's virtually impossible to see a sci-fi movie from the past (from the pre-space period, i.e. late 50s) that isn't laughable in some sense. First serious sci-fi epics appeared in the very early 50s, and bearing in mind the first space yarn was filmed by Melies in 1902, we get about 50 years of sci-fi without the very basic concepts of space travel. Where The Trip To The Moon can be dismissed as a funny experiment, The Trip To Mars cannot. This is a serious film. The makers didn't know about weightlessness or the absence of atmosphere in space, plus about a hundred more things we know today. That was the period, when everybody was raving about the channels on Mars, so they naturally assumed there was intelligent life on that planet. Melies shows frogmen and other strange creatures on the Moon; in 1924 there appears the still popular tinfoil dress for Martians in Russian film Aelita. So, in between, we get the Egypto-Greek fairy-tale world of this film: wise old priests being wise; and virgins prancing around, praising virtue in the world, where virtue obviously is as normal and unnoticeable as metabolism. Enter the Earthlings, introducing death and sin. Well, nothing spectacular follows: they soon are "cured" and learn the ways of the righteous. This film is a total orgy of enjoyment. The double feature released by the Danish Film Institute (together with a disaster film from 1916, The End Of The World) boosts their usual superior quality. The Danes began storing and archiving their films very early, so you get a very clean second generation copy from a period when most of US films withdrawn from circulation went to the glue or comb factory. It's a pity this film with so many different locations isn't color tinted. The rather uninspired piano accompaniment, another trade mark of the series from the DFI, tends to grow a bit tedious too. But nevertheless, a remarkable film and something you can show to your friends without being afraid that they'll think you're a weirdo.

Mtime评分 暂无评分
上映地区 丹麦
上映时间 1918-02-22
中文名 火星之旅
原始名称 火星之旅
国家 丹麦
地区 丹麦
外文名 himmelskibet
子类型 科幻
年份 1918
片长 denmark:97 分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
英文名 himmelskibet
评论 1 条影评
语言 silent
豆瓣短评数量 17
豆瓣评分 7.9
豆瓣评论人数 49
豆瓣长评作者 鲜文青木
豆瓣长评数量 1
豆瓣长评时间 2008-12-11
豆瓣长评标题 科技含量不高的火星之旅
豆瓣长评赞数 1
相关实体 尼尔斯·阿斯瑟
  • 400 million miles from earth
  • a trip to mars
  • 剧情

    太空探险家带着一群自愿队员,搭上耗时两年完成的太空船,就算被斥为自寻死路的疯狂行径,为了一圆火星梦,毅然踏上太空探险之旅;经过六个月的盲目航行,太空中的世外桃源近在咫。 本片以大手笔的制作规模,早在默片时期便..


    400 million miles from earth

  • zanny petersen/corona, avanti's sister
  • frederik jacobsen/professor dubius
  • philip bech/martian leader - wise man
  • gunnar tolnæs/avanti planetaros, sea captain
  • alf blutecher/dr. krafft, avantis' friend
  • svend kornbech/david dane, american
  • lilly jacobson/marya, martian leader's daughter
  • nicolai neiiendam/professor planetaros, astronomer
  • 尼尔斯·阿斯瑟/martian citizen
  • alfred osmund/martian priest
  • 角色
  • avanti planetaros
  • corona
  • david dane
  • dr. krafft
  • martian citizen
  • martian leader - wise man
  • martian priest
  • marya
  • professor dubius
  • professor planetaros
  • 豆瓣短评
  • Bau@@@2010-08-18@@@0@@@应该是当时的"Apollp 13",现在看来却是最好笑的科幻片之一!! XDDD
  • 大宸@@@2010-08-11@@@1@@@找老婆要去火星找...
  • 婉婷@@@2017-10-30@@@0@@@看完后,要写《看后感》,这是作业
  • 杨浦小囡@@@2017-04-29@@@0@@@http://www.bilibili.com/video/av10144606
  • 爱做梦的猫@@@2012-09-16@@@0@@@120912 我在怀疑他们是不把比较无聊的电影都放在最一开始了来演。。因为一开始人们兴致都很高,可是上半场的这个和a trip to mars 都让我觉得比较无趣...120912-IOIC中国巡回开幕酒会上半场 由minou配乐演奏。
  • 豆瓣长评

    鲜文青木@@@2008-12-11 00:32:58@@@科技含量不高的火星之旅@@@1@@@这篇影评可能有剧透 片子是在豆瓣的翻译群里下的,屯在电脑里已好长一段时间,由于要把dv带导进电脑,而又发现没有多余的空间,就对着电脑猛看了几部占用空间大的影片。这部片子有将近1G,80分钟,效果出奇的好,算是在本人看过的默片当中数一数二的了。 其实最让我惊奇的是它脱离了最初类似... (展开)@@@https://movie.douban.com/review/1580654/@@@https://img1.doubanio.com/icon/u2445564-7.jpg