


Successful architect Don Gresham (William Holden) engages a young actress, Patty O'Neill (Maggie McNamara), in conversation on top of the Empire State Building, and she accepts his invitation to dinner. Dropping in at his apartment on the way, they decide to dine there as Patty announces herself an excellent cook. Don slips out to buy food, and Patty is briefly visited by his ex-fiancée, Cynthia Slater (Dawn Addams), and not too briefly, by Cynthia's father David (David Niven), a middle-aged, practiced charmer who, on her invitation, stays to dinner. A slight accident at the table occasions Patty to change her dress for Don's bathrobe. While Don is away placating the jealous Cynthia, David loses no time in offering Patty a proposal of marriage and a six hundred dollar gift. She accepts the latter and is surprised by Don in a grateful kiss to David.

上映地区 中国大陆
上映时间 1953-07-08
中文名 俏女怀春
主演 威廉·霍尔登
原始名称 俏女怀春
国家 美国
地区 美国
外文名 the moon is blue
导演 奥托·普雷明格
年份 1953
片长 99 分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
英文名 the moon is blue
语言 英语
豆瓣短评数量 12
豆瓣长评数量 0
  • 蓝月亮
  • 蓝色的月亮
  • 剧情


  • 喜剧
  • 爱情
  • 评论
  • alan@@@@@喜欢音乐,大卫尼文真是可爱
  • dreamweiwei@@@@@怎么看的人这么少。。。。。。
  • kerouac@@@@@威廉-霍顿太英俊了。
  • 唯有时光@@@@@台词好有趣 演员演的也很好 有点类似室内情景剧
  • 豆瓣短评
  • Kerouac@@@2016-07-22@@@0@@@威廉-霍顿太英俊了。
  • Repulsion@@@2011-04-13@@@0@@@喜欢音乐,大卫尼文真是可爱
  • 你猜我是谁@@@2019-01-05@@@0@@@魔幻巧思浪漫爱情,那个年代算鲜见翘楚,我们需要仪式,找回年轻时的爱情
  • 杨浦小囡@@@2017-04-23@@@0@@@http://www.bilibili.com/video/av7393615
  • 陌上尘@@@2017-01-02@@@0@@@the master of dialogue.