john bindon



john bindon was well-known in the 1960s and 1970s as an actor who specialised in playing violent thugs. off-screen, he was notorious for his violent temper and his habit of provoking fights in pubs for no other reason than to prove what a "hard man" he was. he was a gangster who was an associate of the krays and the richardsons.

中文名 john bindon
出生地 英国,伦敦
出生日期 1943-10-04
别名 biffo
原始名称 John Bindon
名称 john bindon
外文名 演员1943-10-04188cm
年龄 50
星座 天秤
身份 演员
身高 188cm
逝世日期 1993-10-10
  • 主演
  • 四重人格quadrophenia1979的主演
  • 四重人格quadrophenia的主演
  • 四重人格的主演
  • 影视明星
  • 明星
  • 糊涂大侦探的主演
  • 英国佬不谈性的主演