


"Jacques Tourneur at work in color on Western landscapes is something to behold. The credits roll over a matte of a damp day in Portland (slanting rooftops, a ship’s half-seen mast, boards over a muddy street) that’s practically a Grafström, the Oregon Trail that follows is finely-drawn watercolor. The nascent commune of Jacksonville would be Fordian, except that Dana Andrews’ negation of piety ("A man can choose his own gods") and Andy Devine’s acknowledgement of Indian rights ("We’re on their land. They ain’t likely to forget that") challenge Manifest Destiny. Overlapping triangles -- Andrews-Susan Hayward-Patricia Roc, Andrews-Hayward-Brian Donlevy, Andrews-Roc-Victor Cutler, Hayward-Donlevy-Rose Hobart. Hoagy Carmichael with mandolin amid the ramblers and settlers is wastrel, commentator, mediator, and voyeur ("...a little store and lots of time"). The cabin-rising sequence tips its hat to Hathaway’s Trail of the Lonesome Pine, and was studied by Weir. The wedding bash celebrates wholeness but these are forces in tenuous balance, Donlevy voices Tourneur’s ambivalence ("The illusion of peace is upon it") moments before the Indians materialize via a single reverse shot that seems to introduce a parallel world. Another space-expanding reverse shot, this time embodying tensions from within rather than from without, takes place right before Andrews’ brawl with Ward Bond, cutting from a medium-shot of the two at the saloon counter to another revealing the townspeople in the wings, waiting for the spectacle. (The fight, remarkably bloody and ugly, hinges on the haunted image of the disoriented Bond smashing his fist into a wooden pole. Hayward sits with the cheering crowd.) A film of "thin margins": The saloon doubles as a hanging courtroom, the garden becomes an inferno. The view of a dazed Roc wandering in the woods after the slaughter is from I Walked with a Zombie, and finds its way into Demme’s Beloved; Stars in My Crown revisits the territory with hope for harmony, but Wichita and Great Day in the Morning know better."

上映地区 中国大陆
上映时间 1946-08-07
中文名 峡谷航道
别名 canyon passage
原始名称 峡谷航道
国家 美国
地区 美国
外文名 canyon passage
年份 1946
片长 92 分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
编剧 ernest pascal
英文名 canyon passage
语言 英语
豆瓣短评数量 5
豆瓣短评赞数 0
豆瓣长评数量 0

"jacques tourneur at work in color on western landscapes is something to behold. the credits roll over a matte of a damp day in portland (slanting rooftops,a ship’s half-seen mast,boards over a muddy street) that’s practically a grafström,the oregon trail that follows is finely-drawn watercolor. the nascent commune of jacksonville would be fordian,except that dana andrews’ ...

  • 动作
  • 爱情
  • 西部
  • 导演
  • jacques tourneur
  • 雅克·特纳
  • 评论
  • kenny@@@@@7.5/10,展开太多,直接以印地安人结尾
  • paracelsus@@@@@patricia roc很漂亮,susan hayward也不遑多让。不仅人美,景致也美,充分利用了俄州多林的自然景观--这当然是jacques tourneur的长项。人物性格较常规西部片稍复杂些。对稳定生活的向往与拓殖性格之间的矛盾最后通过性格匹配人物之间的婚配解决---一定程度上预示了导演一年后out of the past的结局。
  • 秦诺诺@@@@@雅克.特纳拍西部片怎么有种为了西部片而西部片的味道呢,全无他老爸拍最后一个莫希干人的风采。。。西部感觉不对的同时爱情部分还算有味道,主角们演技不出彩的同时沃德.邦德演的反派还算可以。。。ps这片子色彩修复的太好了,女演员们美爆了,景色更是赏心悦目,内景外景相得益彰。。。
  • 豆瓣短评
  • Caneloni@@@2016-06-07@@@0@@@时隔许久终于又看到了一部Hayward小姐履历上的好片。剧本意外好,人物塑造和关系的转变很细腻自然,伏笔都回应得很优雅。
  • Kenny@@@2015-10-29@@@0@@@7.5/10,展开太多,直接以印地安人结尾
  • paracelsus@@@2010-11-05@@@0@@@Patricia Roc很漂亮,Susan Hayward也不遑多让。不仅人美,景致也美,充分利用了俄州多林的自然景观--这当然是Jacques Tourneur的长项。人物性格较常规西部片稍复杂些。对稳定生活的向往与拓殖性格之间的矛盾最后通过性格匹配人物之间的婚配解决---一定程度上预示了导演一年后Out of the Past的结局。
  • 反人主义虔诚者@@@2019-05-24@@@0@@@Not a fan of Western...Period.
  • 秦诺诺@@@2016-06-11@@@0@@@雅克.特纳拍西部片怎么有种为了西部片而西部片的味道呢,全无他老爸拍最后一个莫希干人的风采。。。西部感觉不对的同时爱情部分还算有味道,主角们演技不出彩的同时沃德.邦德演的反派还算可以。。。PS这片子色彩修复的太好了,女演员们美爆了,景色更是赏心悦目,内景外景相得益彰。。。