


是捷克新浪潮中最激进的一部影片,因为结尾处一群学生冲破警察的管制冲向夜色里的街头暴动场景而被迫在当年未能完成,直到1990年解禁后才由导演Hynek Bocan继续剪辑完成了影片。 A young teacher is sent to a rural re- form school, where he is faced with brutality of the inmates. He ends up paying with his life for his attempts to reform the abnormal conditions he finds there. The story, based on the novel of the same name by Karel Misafi, was banned during the final editing of the film and was only finished and releas- ed after the Velvet Revolution. The director Hynek Boãan (b. 1938) avoided persecution during “norma- lization” by shooting harmless come- dies and fairy tales. After the Velvet Revolution he became one of the most productive directors of television se- ries. He was responsible for the conti- nuation of the popular television se- ries “Nemocnice na kraji mûsta po dvaceti letech” [Hospital on the Edge of Town After 20 Years] dealing with the fates of doctors and their patients. At the present, he his making a series about the lives of famous ice hockey players on the decline.

上映地区 捷克斯洛伐克
上映时间 1969
中文名 思想改造学校
剧情 banned during the fin...
原始名称 思想改造学校
国家 czechoslovakia
地区 捷克斯洛伐克
外文名 pasták
子类型 剧情
导演 hynek bocan
年份 1969
片长 90
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
英文名 reform school
语言 czech
豆瓣短评数量 13
豆瓣评分 8.1
豆瓣评论人数 59
豆瓣长评数量 0
  • pasták
  • reform school
  • 编剧
  • karel misar
  • hynek bocan
  • 评论
  • f–a-flat–f@@@@@不是每个学校都像池塘池底一样嘀…裸看却能理解,很大一部分归功于镜头语言。
  • jounyeats@@@@@冲出去,夜幕下的枪,大炮,装满了稻草的被子,打死监控你们的人,给他无数个拳头,然后冲进黑夜里。
  • zz∝樱岩的逆颜@@@@@无感+无字幕,理所应当地觉得那个年代就应该存在着这么一部片子
  • 你说,你先说@@@@@ a young teacher is sent to a rural re-   form school, where he is faced with
  • 近似无限透明的蓝色@@@@@镜头与音乐凌厉,改造学校老师的思想困境,其实是时代阴霾下不敢说出口的怀疑与不安。神坛领袖的崩塌、共和国制度的腐朽、现实折射进梦想的巨大反差,教条与誓言终有变成谎言的一天,最后用一场“暴动”完成呐喊和觉醒。
  • 豆瓣短评
  • F–A♭–F@@@2011-08-12@@@1@@@不是每个学校都像池塘池底一样嘀…裸看却能理解,很大一部分归功于镜头语言。
  • Tuberose野@@@2010-05-07@@@0@@@可以算是新浪潮中最激进的一部了
  • zZ∝樱岩的逆颜@@@2012-06-30@@@1@@@无感+无字幕,理所应当地觉得那个年代就应该存在着这么一部片子
  • 艾薇森@@@2018-03-07@@@0@@@教养院象征着国家机器, 对教条的反叛是思想上的觉醒. 当发声无法改变现状的时候, 唯有行动.