the lettermen



by John BushThe Lettermen's close-harmony pop songs with light and easy arrangements made them quite a successful group with adult audiences during the 1960s, when changing styles and tastes made many older listeners feel just a bit left behind in the music world. Formed in 1960 by singer Tony Butala, along with two students from Brigham Young University, Jim Pike and Bob Engemann, the Lettermen recorded without success for about a year until they signed to Capitol Records. The group's first single for Capitol, "The Way You Look Tonight," did very well on the pop charts, and its follow-up, "When I Fall in Love," reached the Top Ten in late 1961. Though the group only reached that plateau one more time, with the 1968 medley "Goin' Out of My Head,Can't Take My Eyes Off You" (the same year Jim's brother Gary Pike stepped in for Engemann), successful album sales to adult listeners and popular concert tours kept the group going long after many of their similar contemporaries had died off. Another Pike brother, Donny, replaced Jim in 1974, and the Lettermen formed their own Alfa Omega Records in 1979, sporadically releasing albums of new material even into the 1990s. Jim Pike and Bob Engemann later formed Reunion (with Ric de Azevedo), a group that released several albums for Collectables. (更多)

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名称 the lettermen
地区 欧美

<info><id>15723</id><desc><![CDATA[]]></desc><basic></basic><other><item><key><![CDATA[基本内容]]></key><value><![CDATA[莱特曼三人组合(The Lettermen)而文顿最出名的一首歌 《以吻封缄》(Sealed With A Kiss),一 直传到九十年代的中国:这一个夏天学期就要结束了,朋友们都将随风四散,临行时答应好朋友——把每一天装进信封里,用一个吻封上 <br/>它寄给你,我们九月再见吧。别离时浓浓的不是离愁,而是浪漫,&lt;以吻封缄&gt;唱出了令人心旌摇动的少年情怀。<br/> 此时民谣小组盛极一时。莱特曼三人组合(The Lettermen),他们直接禀承了格思里的精神,社会意识甚浓。除了使用吉它,还加配了四弦的次中音吉它以及五弦的斑鸠琴,使合奏的音感大为增强,引领着蓝草音乐B1uegrass)大步向前。听他们的音乐,似乎能闻到青草的淡淡香气。<br/>Though we gotta say goodbye for the summer <br/>Darling I promise you this <br/>I&apos;ll send you all my love every day in a letter <br/>Sealed with a kiss <br/>虽然我们必须在夏天告别 <br/>宝贝,我向你保证 <br/>我会天天在信中寄出我全部的爱 <br/>并且以吻封缄 <br/>Yes it&apos;s gonna be a cold lonely summer <br/>But I&apos;ll fill the emptiness <br/>I&apos;ll send you all my dreams every day in a letter <br/>Sealed with a kiss <br/>我想这会是一个寒冷而孤寂的夏天 <br/>但我会填满所有的空虚 <br/>我会每天在信中寄出我全部的梦 <br/>并且以吻封缄 <br/>I&apos;ll see you in the sunlight <br/>I&apos;ll hear your voice everywhere <br/>I&apos;ll run to tenderly hold you <br/>But darling you won&apos;t be there <br/>你我会在阳光下相见 <br/>到处都可以听见你的声音 <br/>我向前奔去温柔的拥抱你 <br/>但是,宝贝!你却不在那儿<br/>I don&apos;t wanna say goodbye for the summer <br/>Knowing the love we&apos;ll miss <br/>Oh let us make a pledge to meet in September <br/>And seal it with a kiss <br/>我不愿在夏天说再见 <br/>我知道我们会怀念彼此的爱 <br/>所以让我们相约在九月相见 <br/>并且以吻封缄 <br/>Yes it&apos;s gonna be a cold lonely summer <br/>But I&apos;ll fill the emptiness <br/>I&apos;ll send you all my love every day in a letter <br/>Sealed with a kiss <br/>Sealed with a kiss <br/>Sealed with a kiss <br/>我想这会是一个寒冷而孤寂的夏天 <br/>但我会填满所有的空虚 <br/>我会每天在信中寄出我全部的梦 <br/>并且以吻封缄 <br/>并且以吻封缄 <br/>并且以吻封缄<br/>]]></value></item></other></info>

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