tiffanyk@@@2016-2-10 18:26:00@@@对动画短片《鹭与鹤》的一句话影评@@@0@@@十分钟的动画短片,根据俄罗斯的民间故事改编,可却像极了现代社会的痴男怨女的故事。全文@@@
本动画片根据俄罗斯民间传说故事改编,幽默的动画将恋爱的精髓说尽。 鹭向鹤求婚,鹤眼里只见他的缺点,一口回绝,鹭转身刚走,鹤便觉得他的缺点未尝不是优点,跑去找鹭,说自己有心嫁他,这回是鹭端起架子,说自己改变了注意,..
films by jove [美国] (1992)
innokenti smoktuno../narrator
秋小闷@@@2009-10-11 17:17:36@@@爱情的针锋相对@@@3@@@这篇影评可能有剧透 The lanky crane and the long-nosed Heron He proposed and she rejected and then regreted. She re-proposed and he rejected and then regreted. He again proposed... And" it still goes on like that back and forth,one after the other". We may refuse the other s... (展开)@@@