


Award-winning musician Björk and legendary broadcaster and naturalist Sir David Attenborough have admired each other's work for years but this is the first time they have discussed their mutual love of music and the natural world on screen. In this remarkable documentary, Björk explores our unique relationship with music and discovers how technology might transform the way we engage with it in the future. At the heart of the film is Biophilia, Björk's cutting-edge music project that explores where nature, music and technology meet. David Attenborough explains how music exists in the natural world and speaks about his own passion for music. Author and professor of neurology and psychiatry Oliver Sacks explains the extraordinary and beneficial effects music has on our brains and explains why performing and engaging with music is something all of us should take more seriously.

上映地区 英国
上映时间 2013-07-27
中文名 当比约克遇上爱登堡
原始名称 当比约克遇上爱登堡
国家 英国
地区 英国
年份 2013
片长 48分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
语言 英语
豆瓣短评数量 14
豆瓣评分 7.9
豆瓣长评数量 0

award-winning musician björk and legendary broadcaster and naturalist sir david attenborough have admired each other's work for years but this is the first time they have discussed their mutual love of music and the natural world on screen. in this remarkable documentary,björk explores our unique relationship with music and discovers how technology might transform the way we e...


when björk met attenborough

  • 纪录片
  • 音乐
  • 评论
  • procyon@@@@@碧玉 天啊旁白还是tilda
  • scorpiØ@@@@@音乐,自然,宇宙。大概是世上最伟大的艺术project!
  • tata@@@@@比大妈的逼格你不懂,这种专辑制作内幕纪录片还是不错的,有必要回头再听听那张逼格专了……比大妈加蒂尔达·斯文顿的旁白,冷……
  • 新竹@@@@@原来碧玉女士是了不起的科学家!fascinating!
  • 舒农@@@@@看了那么多遍,才看了眼字幕,发现旁白是tilda swinton,我真是太不本质了!以及,想当年追星的时候还问过tilda会不会跟bjork或者pj harvey合作,她当时还说,有可能。这么多年过去了,还真成真了。
  • 豆瓣短评
  • Hao@@@2014-02-19@@@0@@@先不说 Biophilia 这张专辑好不好听,反正看完后不得不感叹B女士这整个 Project 做得是极其牛逼,被 Sharpsichord 等高科技乐器惊呆了擦!!另外,Tilda Swinton 的配音恰到好处。
  • Nightwing@@@2016-01-18@@@0@@@旁白太啰嗦了,谁给Tilda写的
  • tata@@@2014-07-04@@@1@@@比大妈的逼格你不懂,这种专辑制作内幕纪录片还是不错的,有必要回头再听听那张逼格专了……比大妈加蒂尔达·斯文顿的旁白,冷……
  • 大A@@@2017-11-14@@@0@@@Björk's cutting-edge music project that explores where nature, music and technology meet.音乐的本质既是宇宙、自然和科技的存在,也是人类对于音乐的大脑反应
  • 舒农@@@2014-01-17@@@5@@@看了那么多遍,才看了眼字幕,发现旁白是Tilda Swinton,我真是太不本质了!以及,想当年追星的时候还问过Tilda会不会跟bjork或者PJ Harvey合作,她当时还说,有可能。这么多年过去了,还真成真了。
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