patrick moraz



by Paul Collins Loosely planned around a concept of primitive (i.e. acoustic) culture clashing and then merging with modern (i.e. synthesizer) culture, Patrick Moraz could more accurately be said to track the keyboardist's descent from the rich acoustic diversity of his '70s releases into the synthesized tones of his '80s albums. While heavily processed vocoder lines show up in &Primitivisation,& this album is largely instrumental. The result, though, is less a satisfying album than a interesting demo of Moraz's future work. The appropriately cheery with Bill Bruford's fine drumming added, it would reappear in an otherwise identical form six years later on Flags. That same album's &Karu& appears here as a solo in the gentle vocal piece &Keep the Children Alive,& while the woozy pitch-bending synths of &The Conflicts& prefigures such releases as Future Memories. It is a pivotal album in Moraz's development, and thus worth a listen to Moraz fanatics, but there's little of abiding interest other than Moraz's pleasantly pensive piano solo in &Intentions.&

原始名称 Patrick Moraz
发行时间 1978-02-14
名称 patrick moraz
唱片公司 charisma
收藏数 4
歌手 patrick moraz
状态 未发布
类别 录音室专辑
语言 英语
  • patrick moraz的专辑
  • 专辑
  • 风格
  • 前卫摇滚 progressive rock
  • 氛围音乐 ambient