


A semi-trifle with Adolphe Menjou as a department store floor walker who is persuaded by four husband-seeking salesgirls---two-bordering-on-three of which were well beyond the "girl" stage---to pose as their father in a Long Island mansion which they lease in order to gain access to eligible young men of means. The Greeks had a word for them, and they called them Golddiggers over at Warners.Flighty Bille Burke posed as their mother. And Adolphe Menjou got to display his soup-and-fish wardrobe only still worn by him and retired Prussian diplomats The exploitation for the film made special note of the presence of pianist Eugene List, who had gained international publicity by playing for the Big Three---Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin---at their Potsdam Conference.

上映地区 美国
上映时间 1946
中文名 干女儿
原始名称 干女儿
国家 美国
地区 美国
外文名 the bachelor's daughters
年份 1946
片长 88 分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
编剧 安德鲁·l·斯通
英文名 the bachelor's daughters
语言 英语
豆瓣长评数量 0
  • 喜剧
  • 爱情
  • 导演
  • andrew l· stone
  • 安德鲁·l·斯通
  • 相关实体