


巴迪.贝克, No-one is exactly sure what gave Animal Man his powers - the ability to mimic the natural abilities of nearby animals for a limited period of time - but he has put them to good use. In his life as a stuntman they could have come in quite useful, but he chose to use them first as a traditional hero, and sometimes member of the Justice League, and later as a crusader for animal rights and other environmental issues. He has a close connection to the animal life of this planet, which can sometimes prove more useful than his flashier powers. He has a family, who generally support him in his heroic actions - his wife Ellen is fairly fond of the Martian Manhunter.

中文名 巴迪.贝克
出生地 美国,北卡罗莱纳州,夏洛特
出生日期 1941-01-25
原始名称 巴迪.贝克
名称 巴迪·贝克
外文名 buddy baker
年龄 73
星座 水瓶
演员作品 the legend of hallowdega
职业 演员
英文名 buddy baker
身份 演员
身高 198cm
逝世日期 2015-08-10
  • 1996 daytona 500
  • corky
  • espn sportscentury
  • 一个好汉一家帮
  • the legend of hallowdega
  • 别名

    动物侠,elsie wyley baker jr. ,animal-man ,butterbean ,big buddy baker

  • 影视明星
  • 明星
  • 演员