
银月亮 银月亮


小档案 乐队的组合 主唱:Stefanie Kloss(呢称:"Steffi") 生日:31.10.1984 鼓手:Andreas Nowak(呢称:"Nowi")生日:30.12.1982 贝司:Johannes Stolle(呢称:"Hannes") 生日:23.06.1982 吉他:Thomas Stolle 生日:23.09.1983 大事记 曾获奖项: COMET 2007 "Bester Live-Act" "Best Live Act" "Bester Song" (Das Beste) "Best Song" (The Best) "Bester Download-Song" (Das Beste) "Best Download Song" (The Best) ECHO 2007 ECHO 2007 "Bester Live-Act national" "Best live act nationally" "Hit des Jahres" (Das Beste) "Hit of the Year" (The Best) Hughes & Kettner - Nationaler Endorser des Jahres 2006 Hughes & Kettner - 2006 Fred-Jay-Preis 2006 Fred--2006 EinsLive Krone 2005 - "Beste Band" EinsLive crown 2005 - "Best Band" COMET 2005 - "Bester Live-Act" COMET 2005 - "Best Live Act" BRAVO Otto 2005 - "Superband Pop" BRAVO Otto 2005 - "Super Pop Band" ECHO 2005 - "Bester Newcomer national" ECHO 2005 - "Best Newcomer national" Radio Regenbogen Award 2005 - "Newcomer 2004" Radio Rainbow Award 2005 - 2004 " BZ Kulturpreis 2005 - "Pop" BZ Culture Prize in 2005 - "Pop" EinsLive Krone 2004 - "Bester Newcomer" EinsLive crown 2004 - "Best Newcomer" New Faces Award 2004 - "Beste Band" New Faces Award 2004 - "Best Band" Lucky Star 2003 - Platz 2 Lucky Star 2003 - Place 2 Soundcheck 2001 - Platz 2 Soundcheck 2001 - Place 2 Music Act 2001 Music Act 2001 Beat 2000 Beat 2000 单曲、专辑、DVD销售量: 单曲 (德国、奥地利、瑞士) 《Das Beste》销量 德国: 450,000 张 奥地利: 30,000 张 瑞士: 15,000 张 专辑《Laut gedacht》销量 德国: 400,000 pieces 张 奥地利: 30,000 pieces 张 瑞士: 15,000 pieces 张 专辑《Verschwende deine Zeit》销量 德国: 600,000 张 奥地利: 30,000 张 瑞士: 15,000 张 DVDs 现场《Verschwende deine Zeit》 100,000 张 迄今为止出过的专辑、单曲及DVD 单曲: 30.03.2007-《Das Ende vom Kreis》 06.10.2006-《Das Beste》 07.07.2006-《Meer Sein》 31.03.2006-《Unendlich》 21.03.2005-《Zeit für Optimisten》 27.09.2004-《Symphonie》 01.06.2004-《Durch Die Nacht》 01.03.2004-《machs DIR selbst!》 专辑: 27.10.2006-《Laut gedacht (Re-Edition)》 21.04.2006-《Laut gedacht》 11.10.2004-《Verschwende deine Zeit (Spezial Edition)》 12.07.2004-《Verschwende deine Zeit 》 DVDS: 20.04.2007-《Laut gedacht - Live 》 18.04.2005-《Verschwende deine Zeit - Live》 Silbermond's band members originally met in 1998 when they participated in the music project Ten Sing. Two years later, they decided to form their own group, and as a result they began performing locally under the name Jast (composed by the initial letters of band members.). In 2001, they changed their name to Silbermond, simultaneously concentrating on songs in German language for the first time. In January 2004 the group got the chance to perform as opening act for singer Jeanette Biedermann. Afterwards they released their first single "Mach's Dir Selbst", followed-up by their debut album Verschwende deine Zeit, which was eventually certified double platinum in Germany and Austria and spawned three further singles, including top 5 hit "Symphonie". At the end of 2004 the band went on tour, and in April 2005 they published their first concert DVD Verschwende Deine Zeit - Live, which reached gold status. Silbermond participated in the Berlin installment of Live8. They performed "Zeit für Optimisten" after Green Day's set and before Chris De Burgh in the concert lineup. In April 2006, Silbermond released their second album Laut Gedacht. The album debuted at #1 on the German and Austrian albums chart and spawned another top 10 hit with its lead single "Unendlich". While the album's second single, "Meer Sein" failed to enter the top 30, its third single, "Das Beste", released in October 2006, became the group's first number one single. The Premium/Maxi-CD includes five songs, including a collaboration with the Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg under the direction of Scott Lawton. On 7 July 2007 they performed at the German leg of Live Earth in Hamburg. Sarah Brightmans song Symphonie is a cover version of the Silbermond song. Their third Album Nichts Passiert was released on 20 March 2009.

Extra silbermond
Name silbermond
别名 银月亮
原始名称 Silbermond
名称 silbermond
地区 欧美
精选别名 银月亮

<info><id>16261</id><desc><![CDATA[]]></desc><basic></basic><other><item><key><![CDATA[乐队简介]]></key><value><![CDATA[<br/> 很多人将&quot;Silbermond&quot;跟 &quot;Wir sind Helden&quot;做比较,因为同为此类型乐队,在最近两年里都给德国流行乐坛刮起不小的阵风。在德国网络的评价上,很多人的褒扬观点在Stefanie Kloss这一边,他们认为作为流行摇滚乐队,Stefanie更名副其实,或者说,演唱特质更倾向于时下风行的那种感觉。随便抽一首品味品味,Stefanie要是自己单打独干了,搞不好就是德国的Avril. <br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[Last FM对他们的介绍]]></key><value><![CDATA[Silbermond是一个来自德国的新世代年轻摇滚团体(和Juli一样在德国相当受到年轻世代的欢迎),这个乐团成立于1998年,最初的团名叫Jast,这个团名是各取团员名字的第一个字母,2001年他们将乐团的名字改成Silbermond一直到现在。 <br/> 他们在2004年发行了第一张个人专辑Verschwende deine Zeit(挥霍你的时间),2006年发行了第二张专辑Laut gedacht。 <br/> 女主唱Stefanie Klo&amp;szlig;有德国艾薇儿的称号, <br/>她的声音有一股浓烈的穿透感染力很难不令人著迷。 <br/>他们的音乐摇滚曲风的旋律里带有浓烈的青春奔放气息,标榜他们的青春正盛。 <br/> 第一张的symphonie在德国音乐榜上呆了半年之久,算是他们的成名曲了.旋律有说不出的感动,这和是否能听懂歌词没有关系. <br/> 三男一女.女主唱Stephenie长得很有德国的味道,坚毅有力,又不乏叛逆的感觉,声音很有征服力.另三个每个都很handsome.四个人常穿黑色调的衣服,表情很自然,很有感觉. <br/> 听过了他们的德语摇滚,再听英文摇滚会觉的很苍白.每一首歌都很大气,很高贵,很有奥地利音乐之邦的传统,决不粗制滥造.第一次听到的歌是nein danke(不,谢谢),Das beste 的MV尤其让人感动,四个人不约而同的由衷微笑,包容鼓励欣慰,很有人情味儿. <br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[乐队的组合]]></key><value><![CDATA[主唱:Stefanie Kloss(呢称:&quot;Steffi&quot;) 生日:31.10.1984 <br/> 鼓手:Andreas Nowak(呢称:&quot;Nowi&quot;) 生日:30.12.1982<br/> 贝司:Johannes Stolle(呢称:&quot;Hannes&quot;) 生日:23.06.1982 <br/> 吉他:Thomas Stolle 生日:23.09.1983 <br/> 在德国这类由一个女生和三,四个男生组成的乐队尤其多,而Silbermond是相对比较出名的一个。他们四人相识于1998年,起初只是因为爱好在一起做做音乐,而并没有想到要出专辑。 <br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[曾获奖项]]></key><value><![CDATA[COMET 2007 <br/>&quot;Bester Live-Act&quot;&quot;Best Live Act&quot;<br/>&quot;Bester Song&quot; (Das Beste) &quot;Best Song&quot; (The Best) <br/>&quot;Bester Download-Song&quot; (Das Beste) &quot;Best Download Song&quot; (The Best) <br/> ECHO 2007 ECHO 2007 <br/>&quot;Bester Live-Act national&quot;&quot;Best live act nationally&quot;<br/>&quot;Hit des Jahres&quot; (Das Beste) &quot;Hit of the Year&quot; (The Best) <br/> Hughes &amp; Kettner - Nationaler Endorser des Jahres 2006 Hughes &amp; Kettner - 2006 <br/> Fred-Jay-Preis 2006 Fred--2006 <br/> EinsLive Krone 2005 - &quot;Beste Band&quot; EinsLive crown 2005 - &quot;Best Band&quot;<br/> COMET 2005 - &quot;Bester Live-Act&quot; COMET 2005 - &quot;Best Live Act&quot;<br/> BRAVO Otto 2005 - &quot;Superband Pop&quot; BRAVO Otto 2005 - &quot;Super Pop Band&quot;<br/> ECHO 2005 - &quot;Bester Newcomer national&quot; ECHO 2005 - &quot;Best Newcomer national&quot;<br/> Radio Regenbogen Award 2005 - &quot;Newcomer 2004&quot; Radio Rainbow Award 2005 - 2004 &quot;<br/> BZ Kulturpreis 2005 - &quot;Pop&quot; BZ Culture Prize in 2005 - &quot;Pop&quot;<br/> EinsLive Krone 2004 - &quot;Bester Newcomer&quot; EinsLive crown 2004 - &quot;Best Newcomer&quot;<br/> New Faces Award 2004 - &quot;Beste Band&quot; New Faces Award 2004 - &quot;Best Band&quot;<br/> Lucky Star 2003 - Platz 2 Lucky Star 2003 - Place 2 <br/> Soundcheck 2001 - Platz 2 Soundcheck 2001 - Place 2 <br/> Music Act 2001 Music Act 2001 <br/> Beat 2000 Beat 2000 <br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[单曲、专辑、DVD销售量]]></key><value><![CDATA[单曲 (德国、奥地利、瑞士) 《Das Beste》销量 <br/> 德国: 450,000 张 <br/> 奥地利: 30,000 张 <br/> 瑞士: 15,000 张 <br/> 专辑《Laut gedacht》销量 <br/> 德国: 400,000 pieces 张 <br/> 奥地利: 30,000 pieces 张<br/> 瑞士: 15,000 pieces 张 <br/> 专辑《Verschwende deine Zeit》销量 <br/> 德国: 600,000 张 <br/> 奥地利: 30,000 张 <br/> 瑞士: 15,000 张 <br/> DVDs <br/> 现场《Verschwende deine Zeit》 <br/> 100,000 张 <br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[迄今为止出过的专辑、单曲及DVD]]></key><value><![CDATA[单曲: <br/> 30.03.2007-《Das Ende vom Kreis》 <br/> 06.10.2006-《Das Beste》 <br/> 07.07.2006-《Meer Sein》 <br/> 31.03.2006-《Unendlich》 <br/> 21.03.2005-《Zeit für Optimisten》 <br/> 27.09.2004-《Symphonie》 <br/> 01.06.2004-《Durch Die Nacht》 <br/> 01.03.2004-《mach&amp;acute;s DIR selbst!》 <br/> 专辑: <br/> 20.03.2009-《Nichts Passiert 》 <br/> 27.10.2006-《Laut gedacht (Re-Edition)》 <br/> 21.04.2006-《Laut gedacht》 <br/> 11.10.2004-《Verschwende deine Zeit (Spezial Edition)》 <br/> 12.07.2004-《Verschwende deine Zeit 》 <br/> DVDS: <br/> 20.04.2007-《Laut gedacht - Live 》 <br/> 21.04.2006-《Live in Kamenz》 <br/>18.04.2005-《Verschwende deine Zeit - Live》 <br/>]]></value></item></other></info>

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