club 8



除Club 8本身所在的厂牌Labrador在瑞典本国发行外,西班牙的Green UFOs,英国的Stereo Test Kit,美国的Parasol Records,以及日本的Flavour of Sound四大厂牌争相与Labrador合作争求这张Club 8同名专集在各自国内的代理发行,甚至西班牙的另一个厂牌Mushroom Pillow在专集发行的次年也就是2002年又在本国发行了一张《Love in December》的EP才算赶上Club 8风靡欧洲浪潮的末班车。而追逐众多版本的Bonus track更是让众Club 8的fans乐此不疲。 曾几何时,《Love in December》竟成为Club 8的标志曲目,甚至在中国,通过互连网可以随意搜索到N个有关这首歌的情感记录,对于许多人来说,《love in December》也不仅仅是符号那么简单,更多的都成为了记忆深处某种情节的寄托。其实整张专集的所有作品都拥有跟《love in December》相似的属性,因为当时Club 8受Portishead和Air影响正深,并且巧妙的借鉴了trip-hop的阴冷气质与法国温情电子的浪漫情怀,而karolina的声音在这张唱片里也显的比前作更加寒气逼人,所以整张专集其实可以说是对于之前两张专集:《Nouvelle》的温情与《the friend I once had》的灵巧的成功积累,并且勇敢的把在音乐上新的想法容入到其中。当然事实也证明,Club 8的勇敢为自身取得了更大的成功以及发展机会。 by Stewart Mason The self-titled third album by the eclectic Swedish duo Club 8 (their first to released in the U.S.) drops both the twee indie pop of their debut, Nouvelle, and the Euro-dance vibe of the follow-up, A Friend I Once Had, in favor of a female vocals plus understated electronics feel somewhere between the pop pastiche of Saint Etienne and the elegant moodiness of Portishead, with just a hint of the retro glamour of their fellow Scandinavians the Cardigans, Komeda, and Cloudberry Jam. Karolina Komstedt's lazy coo, overdubbed with airy ba-ba-ba harmonies and purring asides, is at the heart of these simply produced songs. There's a delicacy to guitarist/keyboardist Johan Angergard's arrangements that recalls both mid-'80s U.K. indies like Felt or Prefab Sprout and later outfits like the Sundays and Walking Wounded-era Everything but the Girl. More importantly, although the cozy, blithely romantic mood is more important than immediately catchy hooks, the songs are engagingly melodic, and stick in the listener's head after only a couple of spins. There's nothing here that hasn't been done before, but Club 8's dreamy brand of lounge pop makes an inviting late-night listen. The exceedingly brief 31-minute playing time combats listener fatigue, but some might feel shortchanged.

收藏数 1302
Alias club 8
Extra club 8
Name club 8
原始名称 Club 8
发行时间 2001-08-28
名称 club 8
歌手 club 8
类别 录音室专辑
语言 英语
  • emi百代唱片
  • labrador records
  • 精选上位词
  • club 8的专辑
  • 专辑
  • 风格
  • 0
  • 独立流行 indie pop
  • 童稚流行 twee pop