
Mtime评分 暂无评分
上映地区 瑞典
上映时间 1969-10-06
原始名称 神圣的仪式
国家 法国
地区 法国
子类型 剧情
导演 pierre-alain jolivet
片长 105 分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
英文名 the big ceremonial
评论 1 条影评
语言 法语
豆瓣短评数量 3
豆瓣长评作者 数卷残编
豆瓣长评数量 1
豆瓣长评时间 2012-04-21
豆瓣长评标题 make evolutionary sense
豆瓣长评赞数 2

Aihoo@@@2013-11-8 23:08:00@@@神圣的仪式:不爱真人爱假人 男子性障太离谱 海报实在诱人 画质实在欠佳 疑是盗摄翻录 资源下到停滞 好在凑合能看@@@0@@@...全文@@@http://img2.mtime.cn/u/95/902095/eb25a4e3-974f-4e74-85e3-ac536620716e/48X48.jpg

  • the big ceremonial
  • weird weirdo
  • 剧情

    casanova lives in the suburbs with his mother. he has grown up without ever ceasing to be a child over whom she watches jealously. he is nothing without her,yet he dreams of leaving home and meeting women. they loathe and adore each other. every day he goes to the gare saint-lazare,often taking with him a wicker trunk containing a rubber dummy whi...

  • 1968
  • 1969
  • 表演
  • michel tureau/cavanosa
  • marcella saint-amant/syl
  • ginette leclerc/mother
  • 角色
  • cavanosa
  • mother
  • syl
  • 豆瓣短评
  • 0x00000012@@@2018-07-04@@@0@@@07.04
  • 敲你两棒棒@@@2014-03-13@@@1@@@老一辈艺术家在那个年代能干出这么惊世骇俗的事,这得多打现在那帮导演的脸呐
  • 欢乐分裂@@@2011-07-08@@@0@@@死亡,性虐,恋母弑母,强权
  • 豆瓣长评

    数卷残编@@@2012-04-21 22:06:03@@@make evolutionary sense@@@2@@@My point was that there are two ways of looking at natural selection,the gene's angle and that of the individual. If properly understood they are equivalent; two views of the same truth. You can flip from one to the other and it will still be the same neo-... (展开)@@@https://movie.douban.com/review/5398773/@@@https://img3.doubanio.com/icon/u56883612-2.jpg