a burnt out nurse moves into a new apartment in search of a simpler life. but when her shower curtains begin to disappear through a mysterious portal she discovers there's no such thing as simple in this world, or any other.
gregory konow/willy
brad gans/dr. shots
lew gardner/old man on the street
peter hawn/crazy eyed yokel
danni smith/danni
helen proimos/checkbook lady
giovanni vargas/street jogger
lacy marie meyer/pashmina
jaron henrie-mccrea/radio announcer
chuck mcmahon/bert
lindsey zelli/beth
hal cosec/tim's roommate
paul weissman/man eating hot dog
matthew renskers/pomade yokel
anne denison/girl on the street
melissa d. brown/911 operator
matti leinikka/gaunt yokel
robb coles/man on the street
preston lawrence/preston the super
martin monahan/the pale man
tim lueke/tim
rick zahn/uncle gus
phil lakin/roommate's buddy
911 operator
checkbook lady
crazy eyed yokel
dr. shots
gaunt yokel
girl on the street
man eating hot dog
man on the street
old man on the street
pomade yokel
preston the super
radio announcer
roommate's buddy
street jogger
the pale man
tim's roommate
uncle gus