jolly boys



by Leon Jackson The Jolly Boys are the foremost performers of mento, the ribald, witty first cousin of Jamaican reggae. Like reggae, mento is marked by a shuffling, syncopated guitar strum, an irreverent attitude, and a lazy, swaying danceability. Unlike reggae, mento has no sacramental roots, nor does it strain after profundity. Instead, mento makes a religion of sexual braggadocio, drinking, and good times. The Jolly Boys have been composing and performing mentos for decades; indeed, they used to perform for Errol Flynn when he stayed at his Jamaican villa. Their sound is derived from rhythmic bongo playing, along with solos by the banjo and kalimba (finger piano). Two representative discs are Pop n Mento and Sunshine n Water. (更多)

别名 jolly boys
原始名称 Jolly Boys
名称 jolly boys
地区 jamaica 牙买加
相关实体 mother & wife
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
风格 牙买加 | 蒙托 mento