


lucas and ludmilla are two street kids in love with each other and with the city they live in. they move through it as if it was their own board game. lucas works with his truck driver friend, hueso, picking up cow and pig bones from the city butcher shops. in his spare time with ludmilla he shoots at monuments and sculptures with his gun and commits small crimes for amusement.

上映地区 多伦多国际电影节
上映时间 2014-09
中文名 街头卢卢
原始名称 街头卢卢
国家 阿根廷
地区 阿根廷
外文名 lulu
导演 luis ortega
年份 2014
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
编剧 luis ortega
英文名 lulu
语言 西班牙语
豆瓣短评数量 2
豆瓣短评赞数 0
豆瓣长评数量 0

lucas and ludmilla are two street kids in love with each other and with the city they live in. they move through it as if it was their own board game. lucas works with his truck driver friend,hueso,picking up cow and pig bones from the city butcher shops. in his spare time with ludmilla he shoots at monuments and sculptures with his gun and commits small crimes for amusement....

  • 困啊困啊困啊困@@@2019-01-05@@@0@@@没有翻译只能猜剧情,小康人家的女孩跟街头小混混相爱出走了。小混混跟一个卡车司机一起做回收猪骨牛骨的事,女孩和小混混在一起会干些抢劫药房的事情,小混混在外面有时也会和别的女人鬼混,一天女孩回家拿了一把枪上了卡车朝小混混开了一枪,又用枪指向自己的脑袋。。。。。。
  • 陆支羽@@@2019-04-02@@@0@@@3.5。