two portuguese colonial officials reach a remote ivory-trading post on the congo. their brilliant white uniforms mark them as foreign bodies in the jungle and as ‘mundele’– ghosts in the eyes of the natives. they are supposed to get trade flowing again following the death of the former station chief. yet the hired workers make little effort to procure new reserves. while the c...
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考斯拉 🌈@@@2016-02-15@@@0@@@#16柏林电影节# 4 | 论坛单元总会不时出现惊喜,比如这部时间设定于殖民时期的葡萄牙电影。两个小时镜头聚焦于刚果森林,围绕着“野生”的当地人跟殖民者展开,非洲音乐加众神传说更添神秘色彩。但影片确实小众性,估计只有对殖民历史和非洲文化感兴趣的人看得下来,其实上座率就已经不理想…