kids vs monsters



the six richest people in the world each have one thing still dragging them down.. their intolerable kids. luckily, there is a mysterious entity that is happy to help. see, he has some monsters of his own and they are just dying to test out their skills.. one house. six kids. seven monsters. who will be left standing? it's time for a showdown.. it's kids vs monsters!

上映地区 美国
上映时间 2015
中文名 kids vs monsters
原始名称 Kids vs Monsters
名称 kids vs monsters
国家 美国
地区 美国
外文名 kids vs monsters
导演 sultan saeed al darmaki
年份 2015
片长 101分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
编剧 sarah daly
英文名 kids vs monsters
语言 英语
豆瓣短评数量 3
豆瓣短评赞数 0
豆瓣长评数量 0

the six richest people in the world each have one thing still dragging them down.. their intolerable kids. luckily,there is a mysterious entity that is happy to help. see,he has some monsters of his own and they are just dying to test out their skills.. one house. six kids. seven monsters. who will be left standing? it's time for a showdown.. it's kids vs monsters!

  • 喜剧
  • 奇幻
  • 恐怖
  • 评论
  • dreaming121@@@@@我的个天啊,困死了,其实故事还可以,单排的太垃圾了,太拖沓了,造型也好廉价的感觉
  • glim@@@@@这不是中二,是重二
  • 萨德主义@@@@@还是可以的,滑稽的人物,通俗易懂的剧情,刻意粗制滥造的效果,说白了就是一场闹剧,但通篇都在告诉人们一个道理:面目的狰狞远不及人心的险恶
  • 豆瓣短评
  • dreaming121@@@2015-10-16@@@0@@@我的个天啊,困死了,其实故事还可以,单排的太垃圾了,太拖沓了,造型也好廉价的感觉
  • glim@@@2015-10-25@@@0@@@这不是中二,是重二
  • hhh@@@2015-10-17@@@0@@@还是可以的,滑稽的人物,通俗易懂的剧情,刻意粗制滥造的效果,说白了就是一场闹剧,但通篇都在告诉人们一个道理:面目的狰狞远不及人心的险恶