a new day has come



有些人灵魂中与生俱有的天份,就是唱歌,对这种歌手而言,如果硬要解释他们音乐中的创作有多么高深莫测,或检视这些创作里透出什么强烈的音乐性,似乎十分牵强,席琳狄翁的音乐就给我这样的感觉,充满情感投注的唱腔,让音乐超越超级制作群精心打造,和华丽歌词堆砌的层次,她的声音就是一切。 尽管经过商业的刻意包装和盛名的世俗化牵制,升格当上妈妈的席琳狄翁重回歌坛的第一张专辑「真爱来临」,却展现出她从所未见的丰富母性角度,同样歌颂情爱,却更超脱的鼓励着听歌的人勇往直前,虽然乍听之下没有过去极度流行通俗甚至洒狗血的情绪勾动,却是一种黑暗中透着微光的力量指引,这种感觉在反复聆听之后,有着让人欣喜的感动。 走过吟唱情歌的席琳狄翁,这张专辑的文字设计特别贴近她母性的纤细敏感和鼓动魅力,「Prayer」里一段「为孩子祈祷吧,他们是未来的曙光,他们是神采飞扬的真理,孩子带来雨水,生命的河流潺潺流动,痊愈孩子的伤痛,如果你还再次相信你的心,甜蜜的天使,你会相信一切直到永远」,在听久了狂暴叛逆另类摇滚和膜拜布兰妮的新世代词汇后,我有了终于过渡到纯净世界的感动。 当然像席琳狄翁这样的巨星复出,自然少不了超级制作人为她抬轿,从David Foster、Walter Afanasieff到Ric Wake等,都是最熟悉她声音特色的王牌制作人,因此在意境深远浪漫的「A New Day Has Come」、「Goodbye」、「I Surrender」外,还加入了感受旺盛生命力的「I'm Alive」不过我倒很喜欢她重唱Nat King Cole的「Nature Boy」,单纯的钢琴伴奏最能展现她声音的魅力,虽然不少人担心她这次可能无法再创过去的风光销售,不过对这样的歌手来说,Born to sing已经是上帝最好的恩赐了。 by Stephen Thomas Erlewine Like politicians, pop superstars staging a comeback need to be on message, devising a story line and sticking to it from conception to completion. Celine Dion's message is a simple one -- one that would be evident to anybody paying the slightest bit of attention. After a ballyhooed semi-retirement following 1999's semi-collection All the Way -- a retirement where she gave birth and tended to her manager,husband's recovery from cancer -- it was time to begin a new chapter in her life, something made explicit in the title of the comeback, A New Day Has Come. Of course, the new day is the new chapter of Celine's life -- she's still a caring, loving wife and mother, but she's ready to return to music with a vigor, including a three-year stint as the main attraction at Caesars in Las Vegas. Life -- or at least opportunists -- has a way of interfering with even the best-laid plans, and the week A New Day Has Come hit the stores, it was revealed that Dion's husband was center of a dubious civil lawsuit claiming he raped a woman in Las Vegas in the late '90s, but the delivery of the message was so strong, so well-conceived that this barely made a dent in the media blitz (no mention of it in a USA Today cover story the day of release, for instance). No matter your musical taste, you have to admire that feat, and to a certain extent you have to admire the construction of this album, as well, since it's about as perfect as it could be. That doesn't mean it's a perfect album, but it does exactly what it should do -- it doesn't deviate from Dion's mainstream audience, yet it dips its toe into modern music, particularly dance, while subtly addressing her status as a working mom (which somehow translates as she's a survivor), while keeping hip ("Nature Boy" at the end was surely included because of its prominence in Baz Luhrmann's pandering swill, Moulin Rouge). It's savvily sequenced, too, with the radio remix of the title track arriving before the original version! It's so carefully assembled that even stumbles like the bizarre "Rain, Tax (It's Inevitable)" wash away without much effort, which is a testament to how well-made this record is. There's really nothing to fault the record on, actually -- it's more ambitious than it needs to be, covers more stylistic territory than any other Dion record, while never abandoning the middle-of-the-road; it's a balancing act that nobody since Barbra Streisand has been able to pull off. If there's any problem with the record, it's that the songs just aren't that particularly memorable, even after several spins. The mood shifts effortlessly, it never seems to stay in one place, but it never catches hold, either. Surely, some of these songs will define themselves through repeated plays on the radio, but oddly the lack of memorable songs doesn't hurt A New Day Has Come much at all, since the fact that it succeeds without real songs makes it all the more impressive. That's what staying on message is all about -- delivering the surface and the overall theme without delivering in the details -- and, in 2002, Celine Dion does that better than any of her peers.

专辑别名 真爱来临
原始名称 A New Day Has Come
发行时间 2002-03-22
名称 a new day has come
唱片公司 columbia records
收藏数 1846
歌手 celine dion
语言 英语
  • ep
  • single
  • 录音室专辑
  • 精选上位词
  • celine dion的专辑
  • 专辑
  • 风格
  • 成人时代 adult contemporary
  • 欧美流行 western pop
  • 轻摇滚 soft rock