少年毕度学习骑术,从马上摔下来。据说,摔下马,最好是立即上马。但对毕度来说,再度骑马,并不容易。他摔伤了一只眼睛,视觉愈来愈弱。他求上帝帮忙,令他康复。 毕度讨厌马。骑术竞赛中,他打算骑脚踏车参赛。这时,一个神秘人 ` 一匹神奇马出现了。一人一马,处处帮助毕度,激毕度的斗志 ` 勇气。毕度的眼病渐渐转好。究竟那个人是甚么人?是天使?那匹马是甚么马?是神驹?
bajo_nivel@@@@@it was so funny and delightful ! kieran culkin took a part as a person who has sick in the eyes. he's so poor, but he didn't give up himself. it's a good point from the movie. the boy fell down from horse when he was young, since the accident, his eyes go
bajo_nivel@@@2006-05-16@@@0@@@It was so funny and delightful ! Kieran Culkin took a part as a person who has sick in the eyes. He's so poor, but he didn't give up himself. It's a good point from the movie. The boy fell down from horse when he was young, since the accident, his eyes go